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Felony Arrest in Butler County

 On Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 3:47 P.M., Kentucky State Police Post 3 Bowling Green responded to the Logan Memorial Hospital in Russellville, Kentucky regarding an alleged assault. At 7:44 PM, Trooper Greg Dukes arrested Hank R. Hocker (21) of Morgantown, Kentucky. Mr. Hocker was charged with Assault 2nd. Degree. He was lodged in the Butler County Jail.
The investigation is ongoing and is being led by Trooper Greg Dukes.


MPD Battling Drugs A Different Way

MPD Sgt. Andy Gidcumb and Chief Billy Phelps

The battle against drug use and abuse is an ongoing struggle by law enforcement officials and that struggle includes more than methamphetamine use, which gets most of the attention.  According to Morgantown Police Chief Billy Phelps, his department is actively trying to help citizens dispose of old or unneeded legal drugs and medications so they don't end up in the wrong hands.   
For the third time this year, the Morgantown Police Department is disposing of unused and unwanted drugs that have been left at the Police Medication Disposal Box.


Court Hears From Senator Wilson and Gives $$ to Cancer Assistance,

The Butler County Fiscal Court met on Monday night, October 10th, in its regular monthly session. All members were present. After approving minutes of prior meetings the Court heard Kim Marrow from the Barren River Area Development District. Marrow asked the court to pass a resolution authorizing BRADD to change the names of several roads on the Butler County Road series map.


Unveiling The Restoration of the 1913 Superintendent's House

Honoring the Family of Captain James W. Burch Saturday, October 15, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
On Saturday, October 15, the Green River Museum will host its annual fall open house, this year honoring the second family to live in the historic Superintendent's House, the James W. Burch family.( pictured above with men  in 1925) Completed in 1913, the Superintendent’s House in Woodbury, Kentucky, was built by the Corps of Engineers as a residence for the Superintendent of the Green River system.  Last year the museum honored the William S. Overstreet family as first residents of the house.


Cruisin' For A Cure

Saturday afternoon, October 8, the Provo Rural Development Club sponsored their annual cruise-in to benefit Butler County Cancer Assistance at the Rural Development Center in Provo, KY.  About 4 motorcycles and 40 cars/trucks along with a handful of tractors were brought to compete for the title of best in show of their respective categories.

Milton Wilson, winner of People's Choice for his '55 Chevy pick-up


Morgantown Care & Rehabilitation Center takes residents to Disney World

Morgantown, KY (Oct. 6, 2011) -- Nursing home residents from Morgantown Care & Rehabilitation Center revisited their childhood last week when the group took a trip to Walt Disney World.
The residents from MCRC, one of 73 homes operated by Louisville, Ky.-based Signature HealthCARE, were part of a larger group to make the journey. A total of 22 residents and 30 caregivers, all from Signature homes across Kentucky and Tennessee, piled on board a charter bus last Tuesday and made the 14-hour trek from Nashville to Orlando.


Three Butler County Natives Among Nominees for Wildlife District Commissioner

A crowd of over 200 fish and wildlife sportsmen and ladies gathered at Wayland Alexander Elementary School gym in Hartford Tuesday night. They were participating in the selection of nominees for the position of second district wildlife commissioner. Six people were nominated from the floor which prompted selection of the top five by paper ballot. Pictured above are charter members of the Provo Fish Club who are each nominees for second district wildlife commissioner are Boyd Truelove, Dale Franklin and Bob Lee.


Help Solve The Crime

The Butler County Sheriff’s Department is asking for your help.  There has been a rash of burglaries in the county over the last month or so.  Items taken include: guns, laptop computers, and a couple of four-wheelers. If you have any information about these burglaries please contact the Butler County Sheriff’s Department at 526-3676.


"Closing the post office will affect the community," Shane Wells

Rochester Post Office Meeting by: Andy Sullivan


Military Dad Surprises Children with Early Return from Afghanistan

 The Michael Hays Soccer Field in Morgantown was the site of a military family reunited once again as Major Allen Joiner surprised his children with an early return from deployment in Afghanistan. With an escort from the Morgantown City Police, Major Joiner was transported to the middle of the soccer field to meet son Cameron and daughter Adrianna.



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