On Wednesday, America will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. On this day, we pause to honor the memory of the nearly 3,000 lives lost in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and aboard Flight 93.
Scholars tell us David wrote the 103rd Psalm late in life. It is a beautiful passage of praise as the aged king proclaims, “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” This is David, a man after God’s own heart. But this is also David, a forgiven adulterer and murderer.
Since my granddaughter just started college, I’ve been thinking about how hard it is to choose a job or a career. I once told my late husband that making career decisions was harder than choosing a mate. At least that was true for me.
Last Tuesday, on the way to eastern Kentucky to see my stepmom, I started praying out loud for our safety during the trip. Garey, who was driving, had forgotten his hearing aids.
I’m so glad I was born in September. It’s not quite fall weather, but it brings the hope of fall weather, and that weather is my favorite. Also, Obedient plant puts on its showy purple flowers just in time for a birthday bouquet.
My sister-in-law, Charlotte, often laments the fact that her boys “don’t know how to do anything”—her words, not mine. She tells them that they need to learn, because things are going to get much worse. They tell her if they need to know how to do something, there is a YouTube video that will s