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Against The Grain by: Andy Sullivan

Digital Distress- Christmas 2012, I got an iPod nano.  One year and one month later, it’s already full.  I didn’t know how to take songs off and put songs on, so I went to facebook.  I did know how to perform this function in the old i-tunes, but since they implemented a “new and improved” service, I’ve had all manner of problems.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

The inauguration of the president of the United States is history in the making. The next Inauguration Day will be January 21. The inauguration occurs in the year following the presidential election.

Our next Presidential Inauguration involves festivities such as the Presidential Swearing-in Ceremony, Inaugural Address, Inaugural Parade and numerous inaugural balls and galas honoring the elected President of the United States. The theme for the 2013 inauguration is “Faith in America’s Future.”


Want Kids?

I have a couple of t-shirts (more than a couple really) at home that proclaim “Want Kids?” on the front.  Needless to say, I have gotten some odd looks that have ranged from people thinking I was advertising for a “baby Daddy” to trying to give away one of the mine.  Usually I just laugh at the comments and then turn around and show them the back of the t-shirt that says “Adopt”, which will either get an “oh….” response or start another conversation all together.


Cheryl Hughes: Time Again for a Song

My Career As A Woman

Neither of my children sang much while they were growing up.  Natalie did a semester of choir in high school, but she never sang outside of that.  Nikki would sing along with characters in animated films, and later sang while she played guitar—she still does that a bit—but it was never the kind of singing I did as a child, loud at-the-top-of-your-lungs singing.


Jarrod Jacobs: Timeless Truths About The Bible

The Bible is a powerful tool (Jer. 23:29). It is a warrior’s weapon (Eph. 6:17; II Cor. 10:3-5)! Unfortunately, the Bible is something that is taken for granted by many in our society. It is treated by some as a book of myths and legends, as a magic charm, and other things. It is time that we learned what the Bible truly is, and respect it for what it is.


Senator Mike Wilson's Frankfort Report

As I write to you, we’ve just completed the first week of the 2013 General Assembly Session.  We’ll take a break for three weeks for everyone from newly-elected members, newly-elected leaders as well as committee chairs to get settled in.  We’ll reconvene February 5 for the remaining 26 days of session.


Second Chances By: Andy Sullivan

The first full week of 2013 brings not only us a chance to start fresh, but also a new start to our favorite shows.  In the first case I will describe shows that were cancelled on one network only to be brought back by another.  Cougar Town has been a favorite of mine since its inception in 2009. It had gained a cult following but was never a ratings bonanza.  ABC cancelled the show after three seasons. Late last year, it was announced that TBS had picked up the show.  Expect the same show that was on ABC, no changes in dynamic or cast.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

I’ve heard a lot of talk about New Year’s resolutions in the past few days. As I’ve said before, I’ve quit making them. ‘Resolution’ has been defined as “the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.” ( As many of you are, I am resolved to continue my struggle (life changes) on several fronts in my life, but none of my resolutions are new to the New Year.


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

Although Lee was a black Methodist, at times it was necessary for him to become a Jew (It's ok to say "Jew"; it is found some 83 times in the Bible).

Cheryl Hughes: Somebody Else’s Family

Garey’s mom, Agnes, went back to her home in Alabama yesterday.  She had been staying with us for the past two months.  She broke her hip in early November while she was visiting, so her surgery had to be performed in Bowling Green, and her physical therapy had to happen in Morgantown.  It was hard to let her go, for all of us, but especially for my granddaughter, Sabria, who referred to her great grandmother as Aggie. 



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