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Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Oh, you didn’t know? It’s once again time for a few tidbits you might not know or have forgotten.  We start with a few things I learned a few months back.  On April 16, the cast of the Cosby spin-off A Different World was on ABC’s The View.  That’s not a show I frequently watch but I thought this might be interesting.  



Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

I am thankful for properly working appliances. Most recently my range had a problem. An oven element did some sparking, flaring, and smoking as a piece that broke off ‘welded’ itself to the bottom of the oven, prompting me to turn off the oven as well as the breaker. I considered having the oven repaired, but decided that the age of the appliance and the possibility of other unidentified problems might make replacement a better option. Appliance shopping is a chore, but sometimes a necessary one.


Cheryl Hughes: Dad's Food

I’ve told you before that there wasn’t much love lost between my dad and me, for reasons I won’t rehash here, but there were things I admired about my father, as well as things that downright tickled me.  

He was a man of integrity and honesty.  I admired that.  He came from nothing, with little education, and in spite of that, he did really well with his life.  If you go back to my hometown and ask about my dad, overwhelmingly, people will say, “C.L. was a good man.”


John Embry: "What Does the Flag Mean to You?"

John Embry

The following remarks were delivered at the Butler County DAR Flag Ceremony on Friday, June 14 - Flag Day.   



Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

In the ‘90’s, Americans wake up to a war being fought for their hearts and minds.  Television networks battled over morning show treasure. Heroes will rise and others will fall.  The on-screen fun and games makes a competitive world for pirates and predators.


Cheryl Hughes: Star Bit

This summer, Garey and I have been teaching Sabria how to do practical things.  When Garey and I married—nearly 50 years ago—I didn’t have a lot of practical knowledge.  I was raised on a farm, so I knew how to carry water from the creek to water the hogs.  I could hang clothes on a clothesline, take them down and fold them, but I didn’t know very much about how a washing machine worked.  I knew how to wash dishes but not how to cook, because my stepmom didn’t want us around when she was in the kitchen.  Garey and his mom, Aggie, taught me how to cook, and I will be forever grateful to them


Bob McPherson: One Thing

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...” (Psalm 27:4). David wanted one thing, to live in the presence of God. That kind of singular focus is an abiding spiritual principle that shows up in the New Testament as well.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

On the eve of the millennium, as some partied like it’s 1999, others believed the end of the ‘90’s marked a countdown to the end of the world.  Y2K was a computer anomaly that experts said could bring global Armageddon.  I have good news to report: that did not happen.  Oddly enough, computer engineer Peter De Jager warned about Y2K in 1979!


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

I love the month of June. I think my fondness began when I was a young teacher and my children were small. I enjoyed the long days with my kiddos, knowing we had a few weeks to relax. In more recent years, I have enjoyed my grandchildren having a day – or more – to spend with Granny.


Cheryl Hughes: It Takes A Village

My stepmom has Dementia.  She is 92 years old and doesn’t know who she is—she calls my stepsister, Lorrie, by her own name, Roberta—and she thinks I’m her granddaughter.  She lives with Lorrie and her husband, in a mother-in-law apartment, which adjoins their house.  My other siblings and I believe she would be better off in an assisted living facility.  My stepmom has enough money for that, but Lorrie doesn’t agree.  Instead, my stepmom has 24-7 live-in caregivers in her apartment.  I feel bad for my stepmom, because she is confined to 4 rooms with no windows to look out of.  The door has



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