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Bullying: Look for the signs

Because of the recent tragedy due to bullying,  I would like to share my experience with you from a mother's point of view. I hope that it can help give a parent signs to look for, and possibly make a difference in someone's life. My daughter was extremely out going, very active and shared her feelings and  emotions with me about everything. A few months into her freshmen year of high school, I noticed changes in her. When she stopped smiling, I knew that something was wrong. She wouldn't talk to me about her feelings anymore. She started becoming very reclusive.


It's in the Love, Not the Blood: Leap of Faith

I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference--- Robert Frost 

It has never been a secret that my husband and I adopted our children from foster care.  There have been moments when talking about adoption the look of “oh, you adopted one of THOSE kids” has crossed someone’s face.  If you could lend me a few moments of your time, I would like to dispel a few myths about children adopted from foster care.  

Myth:  You will never love an adopted child like your own.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Summertime and the living is easy.  While it’s a song lyric, I figured it a good open for this week’s subject: vacation songs.  Today’s list comes from AXS’ Top Ten Revealed.


Chris Skates: The Ideological Battle Over Grid ‘Resilience’

Dependable Power First Kentucky

In early 2020, while serving in my role as Senior Energy Advisor in the Trump Administration, I attended a meeting with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission where a debate was taking place. The debate was over what the official federal definition of the word “resilience,” should be. 



Against The Grain by: Andy Sullivan

This week, I’ll bring you another music facts “Oh you didn’t know” piece.  I’ll begin with this gem.  The Jackson 5 didn’t start out on Motown Records. 


Written Down: By Cheryl Hughes

Recently, my daughter, Natalie, made an appointment with me so she could learn to make salsa.  I have a recipe that Garey developed over the years through trial and error.  I make several jars every year, and I always share with her.  I think she has come to the realization that we won’t always be here, and it’s up to her to carry the torch.  I say this because she also asked that Garey and I write down what we know about gardening.


Richard Nelson: A Christian Approach to Politics

I've given several talks lately on a Christian approach to politics. If you've read any of my writings or heard me speak, you know that I view current events and politics through the grid of the Bible, which teaches that there's a great spiritual battle behind the headlines. This idea may be foreign to many in our increasingly secular society, but how do you account for the reality of evil which rears its ugly head on a daily basis? How do you account for good and an otherworldly response to such evil?



Bob McPherson: Lessons from the Lion's Den

One of the best-known Bible stories is Daniel in the Lion’s Den (Dan. 6:1-28). It has been a favorite of children for generations, but the story contains some important lessons for grown-ups as well. Daniel had been made a governor; one of three officials set over the administration of the land. But Daniel excelled and the king planned to put him over the whole kingdom, moving Daniel’s rivals to plot against him.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

In a text, one of my grandsons recently said, “I’m over summer lol.” Since he works outside as a lineman, I can certainly understand that feeling. Hot temperatures have occurred earlier than normal this year. Some June days were comparable to an August heat wave.


Cole Cuzick: Why Educational Opportunity Protects Children & Teachers from Federal Overreach

On April 19, 2024, The Biden Administration issued an executive order which unveiled new Title IX regulations in an effort to change the original, noble intent of protecting girls from sex-based discrimination.



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