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Legislative Update: Representative Rebecca Raymer

Only one chance to get it right: preparing to launch medical marijuana in Kentucky

Last session, Kentucky joined the majority of other states across the nation in legalizing the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Lawmakers approved SB 47, which established the framework for the state’s medical marijuana program. As the guidelines are being implemented, the state has an opportunity to identify areas that need to be addressed or improved. This session, we passed HB 829, a measure that adds additional provision aimed at ensuring we get the program’s launch right.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Who’s to blame for “realty” tv shows like The Bachelor? Well, in the ‘90’s, MTV launches a new kind of tv.  The network that was already about pushing boundaries would go even farther when they debuted their original reality show called The Real World.  By the end of the 1990’s, the M in MTV stood mostly for mayhem. 


Cheryl Hughes: Hidden

My youngest sister tends to be an “in your face’ sort of person.  She believes that the only path to authenticity is through total revelation of the facts and airing of differences.  As a result, she seems to always be at the center of controversy, especially within our family. 


Bob McPherson: Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

Who are you? Really? For the Christian, our primary sense of identity ought to be found in Christ. I am in Christ! I was made in the image of God. But I sinned and marred that image. Yet, through God’s love, grace, and forgiveness, I am blessed and being re-made in Christ. We are being “renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:23-24). God’s eternal plan was to bless us in Christ. 


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

I’ve been watching my peonies come up, turn green, and develop buds. Hopefully, they will bloom soon. I have come to love those flowers! Over the years, I have transplanted them and added more. They remind me of past proms and of my children and grandchildren playing near them. Blooming peonies are also my personal sign that freezing temperatures are definitely coming to an end. 


Cheryl Hughes: Pockets

Handy as a pocket on a shirt.”Garey often uses this saying. I wouldn’t know how handy that is, because women’s shirts don’t have pockets. As a matter of fact, many women’s pants don’t have pockets, or if they do, the pockets are so shallow all they can hold is a couple of peppermints and a tissue or two.


Bob McPherson: Be Like Barnabas

In Acts 4:32-37, we are introduced to a man we know as Barnabas. He is an important character  mentioned throughout the narrative in Acts and in 3 of Paul’s epistles. He was given the nickname, Barnabas, which means “Son of Encouragement” but there is much more depth and dimension to that nickname than we might think.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

A good catchphrase helps make a tv show.  A great catchphrase can help make a tv show memorable for years after its end.  From Ed McMahon hailing the arrival of Johnny Carson for 35 years with “Heeeere’s Johnny (also used by Jack Nicholson in The Shining).


Hope Zone By: Cheryl Hughes

“If I never see another rusty nail, it will be too soon!” I said this to Garey after cleaning out a corner in the basement of his mom’s house.  “You need a Tetanus shot just to look at that pile,” I added.  We are still in the throes of the never-ending cleanup that was Garey’s parents’ property.  Garey’s dad did a lot of carpentry work, so I understand his need for nails, but the assortment of hardware in that basement could easily set you up in a business to rival ACE.  I worked for two days in that area of the basement before moving to the upstairs of the house.  Garey’s sister, Charlott


Walking as Children of Light in a Dark World

Bob McPherson

“The early church didn’t say, ‘Look what the world is coming to!’ They said, ‘Look what has come into the world’!” - Carl F. H. Henry



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