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Senator Stephen Meredith's Legislative Update

2024 Regular Session Veto Recess

Collaborating closely with our colleagues in the House of Representatives, we’ve successfully crafted and passed a comprehensive biennial budget that places vital investments in education, public safety, and economic development at the forefront of our priorities.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

This week, I’ve got a few random music facts that you might not know.  There were several of these of which I wasn’t aware.  I was watching an episode of AXS TV’s Top Ten Revealed when I picked up this first fact.  I always wondered who the most sampled artist of all time was.  That honor goes to the late James Brown, who has been sampled 5200 times.  It’s very likely that number will continue to grow. 


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

With warm weather on the horizon, I am eager to be outdoors. During cold weather, I usually pick up weight but lose it again during the warm-weather months. It’s definitely a cycle, and someday I may really worry about that seasonal yoyo.


Cheryl Hughes: Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

By Cheryl Hughes


We have an almond tree that is a spectacular beauty in the spring.  It lives in the area just beyond our front yard, and it blooms pink at the same time the peach tree in the backyard blooms pink.  We had two almond trees.  The second one didn’t make it.  Neither did the third or fourth.  Garey and I came to the conclusion that there must be some kind of contaminate or pestilence in the soil in the area, so he dug it up with his backhoe, then we filled it in with fresh topsoil.  


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

This week, I will conclude my ‘80’s Top Ten series.  As you recall, last week I began the countdown of toys of the decade.  I will now pick up at #7.  At the start of the decade, childhood is changing.  Unlike their parents, ‘80’s moms and dads wanted their kids to voice their feelings.  Toy indu


Cheryl Hughes: Storied Past

“If you tell that story one more time, I’m going to divorce you!”  I say this to Garey as he starts once more to tell his sister about the time, when in first grade, he was to represent his class as a fall festival candidate, but his mother got the time wrong—all the while Garey was trying to tell her the right time, but she wouldn’t listen—and they arrived at the school too late, and another little boy was appointed to take his place.  There are two reasons why I threatened to divorce Garey if he told that particular story again.  The first is


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

This week is part one of my ‘80’a Top Ten finale.  The topic is toys of the decade-from Transformers to the Rubik’s Cube.  All the best toys came out of the ‘80’s.  They were way more than child’s play.  They were hot toys created during the Cold War.  The ‘80’s was when barriers beg


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

As a retired teacher, a mom and a grandmother, I am a school-calendar follower, and our local school district’s spring break will arrive soon. I love school calendar breaks because my children’s and grandchildren’s schedules are more relaxed. I am happy to see them rest a little more.

Thinking along those lines, I asked friends and family: “Does spring break change your routine? Do you spend more time with family? Does your family travel or enjoy special day trips?” Their responses are listed below:


Chery; Hughes: Taxing

Every spring since 2016, I have grieved the fact that Mike Huckabee did not become a presidential candidate, and subsequently did not become president of the United States.  I grieve this fact each spring while I am drowning in stacks of bank statements, credit card statements, 1099 forms and receipts from various retail establishments that I am logging into an Excel program on my computer, to be printed out upon completion, then handed to our CPA for tax purposes.  I grieve the fact that Mr. Huckabee did not become our 45th president, because he vowed to do away with income tax.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

This week, I will conclude my ‘80’s gadget countdown.  We pick up at #5.  Throughout the ‘80’s, most gadgets started getting smaller.



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