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Cheryl Hughes: Undoing What's Been Done

I’ve figured out why I don’t mind loading the dishwasher, but I despise emptying the dishwasher.  I figured this out while taking down the Christmas decorations and locating the storage containers for each particular decoration.  When I load the dishwasher, everything goes into one big metal box.  When I empty the dishwasher, I have to move around the kitchen to return the clean dishes to various shelves and drawers.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

This week, I’ll continue my ‘80’s streetwear fashion column.  In the 1980’s, Ray-bans was a brand on its way down.  They decided to get busy getting noticed.  A young Tom Cruise wore them in the movie Risky Business and sales shot up from 15,000 in 1980 to 1,500,000 in 1986.  Talk about capitalizing!


Cheryl Hughes: War and Music

It seems like an odd thing to say, but music has always been a part of war.  Drums and fifes and songs show up in stories about war, as well as feature films about war.  Patriotic songs are written and sung during and after war.  War and music appear to be a strange juxtaposition, until you consider that music is an expression of the soul, and war does so much damage to the soul.


LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Representative Rebecca Raymer

Investing in the Future of Kentucky: House budget filed

Plan continues commitment to education, human services, infrastructure, and public safety


Senator Meredith's Bill to Streamline Medicaid Managed Care Organizations Gains Senate Approval

Senate Bill 24 passes the Senate with bipartisan support

FRANKFORT, KY (January 16, 2024) — Today, the Kentucky state Senate passed Senate Bill (SB) 24, a measure sponsored by Sen. Stephen Meredith, R-Leitchfield. This legislative initiative represents Sen. Meredith's ongoing commitment to addressing and streamlining the number of managed care organizations (MCOs) contracted by the Department for Medicaid Services, capping them at a maximum of three.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

We’ve come a long way since the decade of the ‘80’s.  I’ve been watching a series on the ‘80’s that I recorded from Nat Geo called The ‘80’s Top Ten.  There were six episodes in the series.  The first was on ‘80’s fashion.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

When really cold winter weather comes along, I look for comfort foods. Some, like vegetable soup, may be good for me, but many are not low-carb or low-calorie foods. Most of my favorites should be consumed in moderation, definitely not while looking out at a cold –and sometimes messy – winter landscape.

Thinking along this line, I asked friends and family, “When the winter weather is really cold or messy, what snacks, foods, or drinks do you crave?” Their answers are listed below.

-Potato soup, vegetable soup, and fudge!


Cheryl Hughes: Feeling is Believing

Friday afternoon, as my granddaughter and I were getting ready to make noodles with her new pasta machine, I questioned the consistency of the dough she was kneading.

“I don’t know, Sabria,” I said, “It look like it’s too dry.  Maybe I should add a little water.”

“Trust the process, Gee” Sabria said.


Jarrod Jacobs: What God Sees What Man Does Not See

When God sent Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the next king, he was sure that he had found the new king when he saw Eliab (I Sam. 16:6). “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart’” (I Sam. 16:7).


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

This week, I will start a decade’s series that I will return to sporadically throughout the new year.  As you know, I watch a lot of compilation shows: AXS Top 10 among them.  Lately, while cleaning out my DVR, I’ve happened upon a show called Very Best of The 80’s, also on AXS.  One of the subjects in this series of half-hour shows was the best cartoons of the ‘80’s.  Here are a few interesting tidbits I gleaned from the show.



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