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Don Locke: Looking Thru Bifocals....

One description of a forum is where in ancient Roman time’s men of the city got together on occasion for open discussion on current questions and happenings, politics, the economy-but perhaps not local gossip; maybe a little deeper.


Cheryl Hughes: Hat Rack

Have you ever read Oliver Sacks’ book, THE MAN WHO MISTOOK HIS WIFE FOR A HAT?  Dr. Sacks treated patients with neurological problems like autism and Tourette’s syndrome.  His book is about some of the more extreme cases, like the man who actually mistook his wife for a hat and could not recognize the faces of people he had known all his life.  If I’m not there already, I’m getting there fast.


Jarrod Jacobs: Are We To Use Instrumental Music In Our Worship?

The subject of instrumental music in the worship to God has caused many heated discussions through the years. Some think that God does not care about this question. Some think that God is pleased when we praise Him with whatever means available. Our concern, however, is “What saith the Scripture” (Rom. 4:3)? Let us read the passages in the New Testament that discuss singing, and then make some observations.
•    Matthew 26:30- “And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.”


Andy Sullivan: October Song

I figured that finding songs tied to October in one way or another would be more difficult than September.  I was pleasantly surprised, as it was easier than I thought.  I first went to Spotify and typed in October songs.  So many options appeared that, if I included them all, this column would be many pages long. 


Bipartisan coalition sees bill become law

At a time when many Americans are rightly frustrated with Washington and how difficult it is to actually get anything done, I am proud to have led a bipartisan coalition to ensure that 88,000 hard-working Kentuckians won’t be dumped into Obamacare come January. 


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Next week is Halloween, and I need to buy some candy. For this holiday, candy will be the only Halloween-related item on my shopping list. I’m not buying a costume, and my fall decorations are in place. Do I like Halloween? It may not be my favorite holiday; but, since my grandchildren enjoy it, I enjoy it, too. As Erma Bombeck said, “A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween” (


Don Locke: Looking Thru Bifocals....

One description of a forum is where in ancient Roman time’s men of the city got together on occasion for open discussion on current questions and happenings, politics, the economy-but perhaps not local gossip; maybe a little deeper.


Cheryl Hughes: Fireman

I can’t find Sabria’s backpack—that is the thought I go to bed with.  I leave a note for my daughter, hanging from the hood of my kitchen stove. It reads: Natalie, I can’t find Sabria’s backpack, I think it’s in your car.  Natalie wakes me at four a.m.  “Mom, it’s not in my car.  I’m almost sure I brought it into the house.”  I feel a rising panic in my stomach.  I’m awake, I might as well get up.  I search the house.  It’s not here.  “Maybe, I left it at work,” I tell myself.


Jarrod Jacobs: The Priceless Word Of God

Have we considered the value of God’s word? Many today consider it worthless. Yet, those who are spiritually minded (I Cor. 1:18), and love the Lord, place great value upon God’s word. What makes the word of God priceless?


Andy Sullivan: Against The Grain

I never really liked baseball growing up.  The games were just too long.  I mean, how does anyone expect a little kid to sit for 3 to 3 and a half hours to watch a game whose final score might be 1-0? This was bad news for me, as whenever I’d go visit my grandparents in Rockport, my grandpa had a baseball game on every Saturday and Sunday afternoon.  I’d most likely brought some toys from home.  I’d play with them in the floor, or bedroom since I was a shy kid, while the game was on.



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