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Payphone-era regulations in the wireless age

“Rethink Possible” is AT&T’s current marketing motto. Government’s dictum, on the other hand, is “Regulate Possible until rethinking possible becomes impossible.”

Why does the Kentucky Public Service Commission still have regulations on the books that discourage established telecommunication companies such as Cincinnati Bell and AT&T from investing in more towers, better signals and improved service?


Legislative Update by C.B. Embry, Jr.

State Rep. C.B. Embry, Jr. (R-Morgantown)

Still Much Work to Do at Halfway Point

FRANKFORT – This past week we reached the halfway point of the 2012 Legislative Session, and the best way to describe it is like Secretariat running at the back of the pack.  But like the great horse’s run to the Triple Crown, it is my hope we finish very strong.


Debby Burden-Lanham: A View from My Lens...

Country as Cornbread
What a fabulous week God has blessed us with. I hope everyone reading feels the same. We often think it has to be something "huge" to realize how blessed they are, but blessings come in all shapes and sizes.


Against the Grain by: Andy Sullivan

Sunday night February 12 the Grammy’s were held.  Aside from the awards themselves, the show always produces some memorable, sometimes awkward, moments.  Of course, this year’s event would begin with mention of the passing 24 hours earlier of Whitney Houston.  There were tributes sprinkled throughout the night from artists such as Alicia Keys and Jennifer Hudson (Hudson sang “I Will Always Love You”).

Editorial on Kentucky Chamber call for "Let The People Decide"

State Senator Mike Wilson (R-Bowling Green)

Dear Andrew,

I was appalled to read a press release yesterday that David Adkisson is bringing the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce out in support of expanded gambling and wrote an editorial on it as cited below.

It's NOT "let the people decide" Mr. Adkisson

David Adkisson, President and CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, announced his misguided support of expanded gambling Thursday February 9th as a part of the group called “Kentucky Alliance for Jobs” of which the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce is a part.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Are you blessed? I believe many of us are truly blessed in one way or another. Ironically, sometimes it seems that those who are blessed have obstacles that others – who are not-so-blessed – don’t experience.


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

Few things equal the pleasure of crawling back between the warm bed covers after having left them minutes before. At my age I get to enjoy this several times each night . . . if you get my drift.

Even more pleasurable is when this happens around day-break, when back in my other life, I was getting up to go to one job or another . . . for some 40 years or more. Now I just praise the Lord, roll back over and pull up that good warmth and drift back off . . . thinking about that first good cup of coffee I'll have later - much later.

Senator Wilson’s Frankfort Report

State Senator Mike Wilson (R-Bowling Green)

FRANKFORT – This was a very busy week in Frankfort with many visitors and lots of discussion on pending issues from both Chambers of the General Assembly.


Cheryl Hughes: My Career As a Woman

Forget-Me-Not: I spent last week in Alabama with my sister-in-law, Charlotte.  She had knee-replacement surgery and needed help for a few days.  After watching the hours of agonizing pain that particular surgery puts a body through, I’ve decided that I will have to be reduced to crawling around on the floor before I let any doctor inflict that kind of pain on me.


Tiffany Hampton: Life in Logansport

Every woman knows how frustrating hormones can be! I would say that it's fair to also say that every man knows this as well. The routine of hormones may go something like this. We are happy, then we are mad, then we are sad because we got mad . . . sound familiar?


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