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Cheryl Hughes: Little Hotdogs

My Career As A Woman

My granddaughter is starting to be a picky eater.  The fact doesn’t shock me, because I know that kids go through phases.  A few days ago, my daughter was getting stressed out over not having anything in the house that Sabria would eat.  In my grandmotherly wisdom, I told my daughter to just go on with what she was doing and I would find something she would like.  I was feeling pretty smug about having a stash of Vienna Sausages in the pantry.  I knew Sabria would love them like I had as a child.  I told her they were little hotdogs as I placed one in her hand.  She took a bite, opened her


Little is much when God is in it!

Tiffany Hampton and husband Mark.

It always amazes me how my 6-month old son's arms, that can't be over twelve inches long, can reach things within five feet away!  He is able to sit up now. The world around him is just one big distraction, especially when I'm trying to feed him with a spoon and I'm chasing his little head around.

I remember always having to push everything to the other end of the table when my other son was a baby. None of this is new to me. It just seems funny how their arms and legs can be so small, yet can reach so far and run so fast.


Once You Admit It, Will You Stop It? By:Jarrod Jacobs

There was a cartoon several years ago in the Saturday Review of Literature in which little George Washington had cut down the famous cherry tree. He made his admission that he did it -- after all, he “cannot tell a lie.” Also pictured was his exasperated father, who said, “All right, so you admit it! You always admit it! The question is, when are you going to stop doing it?”


Sunflower Sister

I've been busy trying to keep my kitchen stocked which lately has become an ever daunting task. With four kids and lots of extras around, preparation is key. I never know if I'll have two, four or ten for  meals. Thinking about that has led me to create a list of must have pantry items that keep my kitchen going. This list may help get you started on a preservative free life.

 Note: I buy organic in many things, but it's not always necessary.


Jarrod Jacobs: The Silence Of The Scripture

Many today think that God’s silence within the Scripture is in fact, permission to act. In contrast, there are others today who say that if God is silent on a subject, this means we cannot do it! Which viewpoint is the Scriptural viewpoint? Are they both wrong? What does the Scripture say? Let us see what the truth is concerning the silence of the Scripture.


Jeremy Hack: Working on a Large-Scale Film Set

A film set is considered by many to be a place of magic and mystery. Most people aren't aware of why certain decisions are made and why certain things happen. One of my purposes this week is to clear up misconceptions and explain the workflow on a set in the best ways I can based on my experience.


Andy Sullivan: Against The Grain

Remember the old days when, if there was something you were going to order, you had to do it over the phone? I recall years ago spending an entire Saturday morning (9-12) on the phone to order concert tickets.  There were two particular times where my dialing fingers were working overtime: purchasing Garth Brooks and George Strait tickets.  Keep in mind, this was the ‘90’s-the height of Garth and George’s popularity. Although, Garth’s Nashville Flood benefit show was crazy as well, but I digress.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Living in our economy, I try to be cautious with my spending. Most people seem to be doing the same. As Benjamin Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”


Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

  Doggone my ponderous hid; I've been coming at you with some pretty heavy stuff here of late.  I didn't mean to get that carried away.  That's sort of like a country boy who gets a job at a car wash, gets a half-nelson on a clipboard and thinks he's an accountant.  Half-nelson? old wrestling hold.


Cheryl Hughes: Ten Toes Up

My Career As A Woman

Someday, when I no longer have to live like my hair is on fire, and I actually do get to retire, the first thing I’m going to do is take the “I’m Retired…Don’t Ask Me To Do A Damn Thing” vanity plate that Ward Anderson has promised to will to me and nail it to my front door.



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