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Little is much when God is in it!

Tiffany Hampton and husband Mark.

It always amazes me how my 6-month old son's arms, that can't be over twelve inches long, can reach things within five feet away!  He is able to sit up now. The world around him is just one big distraction, especially when I'm trying to feed him with a spoon and I'm chasing his little head around.

I remember always having to push everything to the other end of the table when my other son was a baby. None of this is new to me. It just seems funny how their arms and legs can be so small, yet can reach so far and run so fast.

We think that in order to have big effects, we must have big actions.  That's not necessarily the case. The smallest gesture can have wonderful results, especially when done with love.  A smile, a hug, a kind word can all make someone's bad day feel a little bit better. It doesn't have to be a big hoop that you have to jump through. Many times it may not be the act itself that means as much to someone, as much as just the simple fact that someone was thinking of you.

We shouldn't have the mindset of "If I can't do it big, then I'm not gonna do it."  How many times have we had to repair something and even though the part that needed replaced was small in size, it usually cost a lot!

Maybe you can't go on a big vacation, but you can take a walk. Maybe you can't read your bible for an hour, but you do have 10 minutes to give. Maybe you can't read your child all 8 books they have picked out, but you can read one.

Little is much when God is in it.

God Bless.


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