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Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Quite a bit has happened in the entertainment world in the last few days.  Sad to say that a bit of it has been tragic.  Jimmy Buffett, mayor of Margaritiville, pioneer of pirate and island music, the sole reason Kenny Chesney has a career in the music business, passed away Friday at age 76 of skin cancer.  He battled it for years before his passing.  Buffett suffered from Merkel cell cancer, his website said.  


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

This summer has been memorable in so many ways. Recently, students and teachers returned to school, and for me, the return to school signals that fall is near. Certainly, the weather and the political games this summer provided conversation starters - if you dared. And the extra time provided opportunities for entertainment as well as rest or down time.


Cheryl Hughes: Connections of an Unexpected Kind

Natalie in front of Father Ted's house.

“Father Ted” is one of my favorite British comedies.  I discovered it years ago when my daughters were still living at home.  They loved it like I did.  The show is about three miscreant priest who live in a fictional place in Ireland called Craigy Island.  One of our favorite episodes involves a misunderstanding in which Father Ted is accused of being racist.  He is constantly being confron


Jarrod Jacobs: “It’s Hard For Thee To Kick Against The Goads”

When Saul saw Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), among other things, Jesus told Saul that it was hard for him to ki


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

As long as I’ve heard of Johnsongrass (which is all my life), I’ve wondered where it came from.  Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L) is a warm-season grass.  Originally from the Mediterranean region of Europe and Africa, and possibly to Asia Minor, it was introduced in North America in the 1800’s as a forage alternative.  The name “Johnsongrass” refers to Colonel William Johnson, who introduced this species to his river-bottom farm in Alabama in the 1840’s.  



The US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is widely regarded as one of the most successful global health programs in history. In 20 years, PEPFAR has helped save 25 million lives from HIV/AIDS.



Cheryl Hughes: Hobnobbing

Basically, I’m a stick in the mud.  I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything.


Jarrod Jacobs: You Are In The Bible

We have 66 books in the Bible (39 Old Testament books, 27 New Testament books) to provide us with God’s guidance and establish and strengthen our faith (Rom. 10:17; Jude 3). Sadly, after 2000 years, some call the Bible “outdated,” “unrealistic,” and the like. Some folks wonder how we can make applications to our lives when using the Bible. Yet, as we study, it is clear that we can apply Scriptures to ourselves. We are in the Bible!


Jim Waters: More for taxpayers means more for government, too

Jim Waters

"However, no matter how much Frankfort spends on education or flood relief or most anything else, it will never be enough for Bailey. His proclivities – and those of his tax-and-spend political twin, Gov. Andy Beshear – for more government and the spending hikes to fund it are never satisfied."


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Did I think of a few more tv themes to share this week?



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