Patty Craig: A Slice of Time
This summer has been memorable in so many ways. Recently, students and teachers returned to school, and for me, the return to school signals that fall is near. Certainly, the weather and the political games this summer provided conversation starters - if you dared. And the extra time provided opportunities for entertainment as well as rest or down time. I know my family made a few good memories.
Thinking about summer memories, I asked friends and family, “What good memories will you have of the summer of 2023?” Their responses are listed below.
-Seeing the change in my grandchildren – one in middle school, one a freshman, and one a third grader. They all progressed as they should from babies to being individuals with their own personalities and beginning to have their own beliefs and ideas. I have gotten to watch, and every now and then, I see a glimpse of myself as a child.
-Getting my energy back after two years of battling different health issues! Spending time with my grandkids.
-I went to Alaska.
-Oh, so many! Beach days with my daughter, going to the library with her, long lazy days, naps, spending time with family, and traveling. I feel like everything just goes at a slower pace in the summer.
-Swimming in Aunt Peggy’s pool, and seeing my girls improve in their swimming abilities.
-Fourth of July with my family.
-My daughter’s and her husband’s wedding will be my favorite memory.
-Taking care of my new pet Roofus, and going to Holiday World with my friends.
-My kids’ birthdays are always my favorite part of the summer! They turned 3 and 13 this year. Jonah got his first drum set, and Naomi had a great day at a wildlife park with a private giraffe encounter. We also love our annual summer trips to see our families and swim and play with cousins.
-Seeing baby wiggles for the first time.
-London and Scotland trip. Lots of historical places to visit. We had a really nice time.
-Taking a boat on the river for the first time ever and also swimming in it! Definitely will not forget it, my favorite day so far this year.
-The wedding of my son.
-I have good memories from this summer of traveling with family and friends.
-Swimming in our new pool and spending all the time I could with my family while being on break.
-Getting to spend time with family, working on projects at the farm, and seeing our kiddos grow and learn new things.
-It wasn’t so hot.
-Swimming with my grand girls, them playing outside, and them riding on the golf cart around the neighborhood.
-Getting to relax for the first summer in years was wonderful. Working outside, sleeping late, and spending time with my daughter is how I will remember this summer.
Sam Keen said, “Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” Laziness may actually be part of our good summer memories. And summer memories are precious. I’ve heard it said that “the tans will fade, but the memories will last forever,” and I like that thought.