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Poll Archive

Would you support a tax on broadband Internet service if the money was earmarked to expand broadband access?

Yes, definitely. That would help a lot of people.
9% (16 votes)
No way. I don't trust that the money would be spent wisely.
64% (116 votes)
Maybe...would like to see a specific proposal.
27% (49 votes)
Total votes: 181

Do you plan to watch coverage of the political conventions?

Should parents have the right to send their children to the public school closest to their home?

Yes. Parents should have the right to make this decision.
90% (182 votes)
No. The school district should make this decision.
10% (20 votes)
Total votes: 202

What is your view of the Topix website?

It's nothing but a gossip website that should be banned because it's libelous and hurts people.
47% (107 votes)
It's a terrible website but it is protected speech under the First Amendment.
13% (29 votes)
It is a valuable public forum for local communities to discuss issues.
1% (3 votes)
Topix in its current form is bad; it would be ok if it monitored libelous posts and made people put their real names.
39% (89 votes)
Total votes: 228

Do you think Mitt Romney's pick of Congressman Paul Ryan for VP was a good choice?

Yes, great choice and will help Romney win the election.
53% (99 votes)
No, terrible choice and will hurt Romney's chances of winning.
23% (43 votes)
Won't matter much either way.
24% (46 votes)
Total votes: 188

Do you think having furlough days for different parts of state government is a good way to address budget issues?

Have you tuned in to the Olympics?

The filing deadline for local races is August 14. How many candidates would you like to see run for Morgantown City Council?
