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Poll Archive

What are your family's plans for fall break?

Nothing, stay home and rest.
17% (27 votes)
Staying home but have projects planned there.
14% (23 votes)
Heading on vacation!
14% (23 votes)
No fall break for me ... we're still working!
54% (86 votes)
Total votes: 159

NYC schools are giving out birth control to students without parental notification - agree or disagree?

Agree. Schools should be doing things like this in order to help people.
15% (38 votes)
Schools should distribute birth control but only if parents are notified and approve.
15% (38 votes)
Disagree. Schools should not be in the business of distributing birth control - period!
70% (176 votes)
Total votes: 252

Do you think too many people are dependent on the federal/state government?

Yes, definitely. Too many people aren't willing to take responsibility for themselves.
87% (247 votes)
No, not at all. A lot of people really need government assistance of some kind.
9% (27 votes)
4% (11 votes)
Total votes: 285

Do you think government should restrict and/or tax sugary drinks?

No way. That would be a clear example of big government gone wild.
92% (153 votes)
Yes, definitely. Obesity is a problem and sugary drinks are part of the cause.
8% (13 votes)
Total votes: 166

Do you agree or disagree with the Butler County School Board's decision to hire an interim superintendent for up to nine months?

Agree. Hiring an iterim is the right move for now; permanent superintendent can be hired later.
63% (145 votes)
Disagree. The school board should move ahead now in finding a permanent superintendent.
37% (84 votes)
Total votes: 229

Trick-or-Treating in Morgantown should be set for ...

October 31 because that's Halloween even though it's a Wednesday this year.
73% (190 votes)
Tuesday, October 30, this year - not on a Wednesday.
4% (10 votes)
the Saturday before Halloween - October 27.
10% (27 votes)
The city shouldn't set anything; people should Trick-or-Treat whenever they choose.
13% (35 votes)
Total votes: 262

How many candidates are you likely to vote for in the race for Morgantown City Council?

Only one. I really want my top candidate to win.
16% (10 votes)
I will vote for 3-4 candidates. I want my candidates to have a big impact on the council.
40% (25 votes)
All six. Since I am allowed to vote for six positions, that's what I'm going to do.
44% (27 votes)
Total votes: 62

Do you or your children eat the lunch provided by the school or do you take your own from home?

We take lunch from home. It's better and cheaper.
41% (62 votes)
We eat the school lunch. It's good and easier.
27% (41 votes)
A little of both.
32% (49 votes)
Total votes: 152

Would you support a tax on broadband Internet service if the money was earmarked to expand broadband access?

Yes, definitely. That would help a lot of people.
9% (16 votes)
No way. I don't trust that the money would be spent wisely.
64% (116 votes)
Maybe...would like to see a specific proposal.
27% (49 votes)
Total votes: 181
