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Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

If propriety is still, at least, considered somewhat of a virtue, there are certain domains in which we should tread in good taste. The marriage bedroom is such a domain. And procreation plus its withalls and therewiths is another.

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Monday, October 8th, 2012

I have a book that one of my kids got at a book fair in elementary school called Baseball Saved Us, by Ken Mochizuki.  It is the story of Japanese families in an internment camp during WWII.  The camp was in the United States.  After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the US government viewed Japanese Am

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Friday, October 5th, 2012

Within the history of photography, grayscale has been the only option for the majority of the time. Even after the advent of color film, grayscale tended to yield a sharper and better contrasted image and was also much more affordable to develop than color was.

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Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Have you ever wondered about the origins of wedding traditions? Having been to a few in the last several months, I started wondering where some of the traditions originated.  So, I did a little digging.

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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Evening TV programming has been changing. As I’ve previously confessed, this is the time of year that I watch more TV than normal, trying to choose favorites for the season. Until I decide, I may record one while watching another.

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Monday, October 1st, 2012

SOUTHERNERS: In the south the hospital is more of a social gathering than anything else, the patient sometimes is given second place.  The occasion is more like a family outing.

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Sunday, September 30th, 2012
My Career As A Woman

Sometimes, I forget that my dad was ever a little boy.  Sometimes, when I’m angry about the past, and wanting to blame somebody for the present, I don’t want to remember that my dad was a little boy.

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Friday, September 28th, 2012

One of the most challenging, yet rewarding techniques in photography is working in very low light. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to obtain aesthetically pleasing low light photos without utilizing a flash.

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Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

This week marks the premiere of the new fall television season. The Office got the head start on their final season, as they began last week.  Given how sparingly they roll out a new episode these days, however, they’ll probably end when every other show ends.

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Wednesday, September 26th, 2012
Granddaughters Morgan and Sophie

Competition may be defined as the process of trying to beat or do better than others. It may involve a planned or an unplanned activity. We see competitions every day, whether it’s a foot race between children or one driver pulling out in front of another. Competitions surround us.

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