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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

My oldest daughter gave me a journal entitled Mom, Share Your Life with Me… It has a page for each day of the year and at the top of the page is a question – usually related to my childhood – to which I respond. One question recently said, “Did you have any superstitions?”


Cheryl Hughes: Hibernation

My Career As A Woman

Seven naked Barbies and one naked Ken are soaking in the kitchen sink.  Their clothes have been washed and are currently in the dryer.


Jarrod Jacobs: Did Alexander Campbell Start A Church?

When discussing the subject of the church of Christ, we sometimes hear the comment made that the church of Christ was started by Alexander Campbell. Mr. Campbell was a well-known preacher in America in the 1800’s; but did he start the church of Christ, or any other church for that matter? The answer is no. Yet, the teaching that Mr. Campbell established a church is made because people do not know the simple teaching of the New Testament concerning the church.


House Week in Review

The Kentucky House stood together this week to honor one of its own, who guided Kentucky’s response to HIV and AIDS education, testing, and patient rights from the late 1980s to the present day.


Against The Grain by: Andy Sullivan



Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Normally I listen to the State of the Union address. The address gives the president an opportunity to outline his national priorities. And, last week, President Obama gave his address.


Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

More thoughts and cogitations (SEE-VOO-PLAY)
-We can’t always say “yep” or “maybe” to the answer to a question.  Sometimes a short discourse wouldn’t hurt anything, if it’s short:
“You sure you know how to handle dynamite?”
A short metaphor in reply would hurt nothing here:
“Well, I’ve still got all my fingers and I don’t sing alto in the choir.”
-There is a restaurant in Louisville called WILD EGGS.  They are not from wild birds; it means you can have ‘em anyway you can cook an egg.


Cheryl Hughes: Reception

My Career As A Woman

I will never forget my family’s first color TV.  It was far from the monstrosity that sits in my living room today, but it was a modern marvel for our little group on Ashes Creek.


Jarrod Jacob: What Would You Recommend?

There is a story told about a college professor who posed the following problem to his class and then asked for their resolution to the problem:


Against The Grain: Grammy Edition by: Andy Sullivan

The 56th annual Grammy Awards kicked off Sunday January 26th with a strip-tease, I mean performance, of “Drunk In Love” by Beyonce.  She was joined halfway through by her husband Jay Z, because he has to be involved in everything she does these days.  Best New Artist was presented by actress Anna Kendrick and Joe Cool, I mean Pharrell Williams.  To get that reference, you really had to see Williams’ hat.  The award went to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.  I’m definitely a fan.



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