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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

If you’ve felt “all cooped up” during our winter weather, you may have experienced a bit of cabin fever. Adverse weather conditions causing us to be indoors for a day or more can result in a sense of feeling trapped in the house. Many of us have experienced mild cabin fever symptoms.


Roger McKenney/Long Ago and Far Away: Clifton Gorge

The year was 1778, the American Revolution was going on and Daniel Boone had led a group of men to help the Americans by fighting with the Indians who were aligned with the English in the war against America.  Boone's group was captured by the Indians.  Boone soon excaped when he heard the Indians were going to attack Boonesboro.  Boone knew the fort needed work before they could defend against any attack so Boone escaped and went back to Boonesboro to lead in repair.


Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

One of the most important verses in the Bible is, “Money is the root of all evil”. It actually says, “The love of money is the root of all evil. (I Tim. 6:10). Don’t grab your channel-changer, this may go somewhere.
    The newer the history books, the less we find out about history. That’s why young people know less of the past.


Cheryl Hughes: Super Bowl

My Career As A Woman

My daughter, Natalie, believes I’m a bad influence on my granddaughter, Sabria.  I don’t see it.  I think it’s normal for a three-year-old to know that Peyton Manning is the quarterback for the Denver Broncos, that his number is 18, and that he says “Omaha” to signal to his team that the play is in motion.  How is that damaging?  The Broncos are going to the Super Bowl, and the Super Bowl is, after all, part of the American psyche.


Jarrod Jacob: Keep It Simple

The above statement is the “motto” of a friend of mine. When it comes to the preaching and teaching of God’s word, he tells me often, “Keep it simple.” This sentiment was impressed upon my mind even further when a lady said she had learned that the main problem that high school students have today is not which church to go to, but whether or not to believe in God in the first place. Think about it: We live in a society that has so pushed God aside that the lady who talked with me said she knows high school students who need to be convinced about the very existence of God!


Legislative Column: Budget Takes Center Stage during Third Week of 2014 Regular Session

By State Representative C. B. Embry, Jr.

The top issue of the 2014 Regular Session started its journey this past week, as Governor Steve Beshear laid out his thoughts and ideas for a new two-year budget for the Commonwealth.


Andy Sullivan: Against The Grain

Lucas Oiler Gusher of January 10, 1901

Everyone remembers the Beverly Hillbillies.  The theme song is iconic.  You remember at the end where it says “black gold, Texas Tea”? Where exactly does that originate. says it all started with the Lucas Oil gusher on January 10, 1901.  This was the first major gusher of the Texas oil boom. 


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

While staying in during this cold January weather, I’ve had time to learn a few things. Some of them are mentioned below.


Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals


What of the drifters, vagabonds, and wayfarers? – people who seem to be at loose ends? No doubt in my generation The Great Depression of the 1930s spawned a good many of the folks – people on the move in a quest for better times. Men such as: Burl Billbrew, Jockey Bill Ward, Walkin’ Mun Wilson, and Srinner Stewart.


Cheryl Hughes: The Gift of Emptiness

My husband, Garey, is not one of those guys who overlooks my weaknesses and accepts me just the way I am.  I know this because he tells me so.  Garey is a fusser.  If I do something he doesn’t like, I’m going to hear about it.  Granted, after thirty-eight years, it’s water on a duck’s back.



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