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Jarrod Jacobs: Ability Does Not Mean Authority

Authority is something that is needed in every walk of life. When we talk about certain people having the “right” to do this or that, we are saying that they have the authority to do it. For example, only those “duly authorized” can wear a policeman’s badge. What about when it comes to the Bible? Should there be a demand for authority in the Scriptures?


Aaron Jacobs: Points in American History

America’s First Experiment with Communism:  Since the nation’s beginning, Americans have flirted with the system of Communism. It has never worked. America’s first experiment with a form of Communism occurred in the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia. Its founders adopted a form of Communism in their charter. In this charter, Jamestown used a common-store system to feed their settlers. Under this system, each person put their product into one communal storehouse, and all settlers were able to access the common-store according to their need.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain


The Sir/Ma’am Introduction

I felt a little strange the first time I was called sir.  My thought at the moment, and still at times, was “You talking to me?” Now, at 35, I’m starting to get used to it.  Okay, that’s a lie.  When do you get used to it? Or do you? I posted that very question on social media and got varied results.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

I have often thought that Grandparents’ Day might have been established due to an underlying economic motivation. However, Susan Adcox explained that “Grandparents Day is a day for celebrating the connections between the generations, and its origin was decidedly noncommercial” ( Grandparents’ Day is a national observance, but not a federal holiday.


Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

Fame is a fleeting thing.  But you knew that.
My two seconds of fame came as seventh-grader, shagging balls in the outfield for our high school baseball team at batting practice.  I seriously doubt anybody, anywhere remembers but me.
I was standing directly behind second base when the star of the team came up to bat.  To hype this thing a little, this guy went on to play college baseball.  He also was big-man –on-campus, good looking to top it all off, all the girls were ga-ga over him… I guess that’s enough hype for now.


Cheryl Hughes: Just In Case You Need To Know

Because I had a lot taken from me at an early age, I have always understood that very little is eternal.  I don’t mean material things.  I mean knowledge, information and relationships.  History and day to day life teaches each of us that lesson throughout a lifetime of living. 
    The library at Alexandria burned around 30 BC and with it knowledge that was gathered by the great minds of the time.  There is no telling how many wheels we’ve had to reinvent with the loss of that information.


Jarrod Jacobs: The Theme Of The Bible - Redemption

When one wishes to know about God, it is imperative that one spends time reading and studying the Bible. Knowing what the Bible says will give us insight into who God is and why we are on this earth. Through a study of the Bible, we will soon learn that the Bible itself has a theme. This theme is redemption. Specifically, the redemption of mankind from sin.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Believe it or not, there are things you shouldn’t share on social media. I’m not trying to be the social media police.  Common sense and decency should come into effect, shouldn’t it? I understand the argument of “This is my account and I can do what I want”, but there is a line.  For instance, posting a pic of someone on the toilet crosses the line.  Actually, you can’t even see the line.  The line is a blur to you.  Ten extra points if you guess where that last line originated.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

An article in the Daily News reported that cultural attitudes are now more favorable toward television. The author attributed this to better quality programming and the ability to binge on well-written dramas. And, the fall TV schedule is packed with choices.


Cheryl Hughes: Rewind

In the movie, “50 First Dates,” a woman suffers a traumatic brain injury on her birthday.  Every day thereafter, she wakes up remembering only what has happened before the accident, and believing that each new day is her birthday.  Her family and friends play along by making sure the same newspaper is in view, getting out the birthday cake they keep in the freezer, and taking care not to let her stumble upon any information that might disrupt her reality, for fear that she might go over the edge.



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