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Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

United States Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Donald B. Locke

With Veterans’ Day coming up, how does one begin to say that which needs be said about the men and women who have fought our wars? There are no words that suffice, no éclat’s enough, no medals tucked away in some drawyer or a headstone in some cemetery---these can remind, but not recompense.
Perhaps Britain’s Churchill came pretty close when he said about his own forces, “Never have so many owed so much to so few.”


Cheryl Hughes: My Career As a Woman

Reflection: My best friend is a guy, and yes, I know that’s a bit unorthodox.  People always say that you can’t pick your family.  I believe, in some instances, you can’t pick your friends.  They show up, attach themselves to you, and walk with you until you’ve learned what they can teach you.  I have a lithograph hanging in my living room that says, What we have learned from others becomes our own by reflection.  That is very true of mine and John’s friendship.  


Debby Burden - Lanham: A View From My Lens...

I sure hope everyone is getting out and enjoying these beautiful colors of fall. I've kept the roads hot and my camera smoking the last few weeks. There's so many gorgeous colors and I want to capture all I can. We're so blessed to be able to experience such a beautiful season.
Just a very weeks until Thanksgiving. Wow, where does time go? But lets not wait until Thanksgiving to give thanks, it's something that should be practiced on a daily basis.
Have a wonderful week everyone and be sure to take time to stop and smell the roses.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Halloween is over, and I’m not sad. This holiday is not my favorite even though the decorative colors are pretty. I don’t dislike Halloween, but I also don’t look forward to it. Many people celebrate Halloween by trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, visiting haunted houses, and watching horror movies. As a child, I trick-or-treated; my children also trick-or-treated; and now, my grandchildren trick-or-treat. Children like to dress up, and they like candy. So, Halloween is a popular holiday.


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

“…how you brush my hair as you pass my chair, little things mean a lot…”, go part of the words to an old popular love song.
Back when they fought wars on horseback, some general was supposed to have lamented: “… but for the lack of a horse shoe nail, but for the lack of a horse shoe, but for the lack of a horse, the battle was lost.” Little things.
Even something as little as a button can be VERY significant.  Hold that thought.


Cheryl Hughes: My Career As a Woman

There: Today, I said to God the thing I often say to God on a disappointing day: “I just wish I could get there.”  I don’t know where there is exactly, and I even suspect that, on some level, I am there, which would be even more disappointing, because I don’t want here to be there.


Declaring war on class warfare

America has declared war on terrorism and enemies of political freedom around the world. Perhaps it’s time to declare war on Marxist ideas that threaten our economic independence here at home.

Let’s begin with the class-warfare campaign led by President Obama and embraced by those who sop up his leftwing ideological gumbo, including Elizabeth Warren, who’s campaigning for a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain/Scott Hall

One of my favorite shows is the ESPN news show E:60.  They do a lot of human interest stories, most times to do with athletes overcoming odds or sports making a difference.  Last week they had a story on one of my favorite wrestling personalities: Scott Hall.  If you were a fan of wrestling anywhere near the ‘90’s until the mid-2000, you most likely saw Scott perform.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

A rite of passage is a ritual event that marks a person's progress from one status to another. Rites of passage are often ceremonies surrounding events related to puberty, coming of age, marriage and death. In North America today, typical rites of passage are baptisms, bar mitzvahs and confirmations, school graduation ceremonies, weddings, retirement parties, and funerals.  They mark important changes.


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

Western author, Louis L’Amour spoke much about, “Friends who camped along old trails that wind back into the past.”



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