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Bluegrass Beacon: ‘Smurfers’ beware - Proposal punishes meth makers, not soccer moms

The evidence that the Nanny-State spirit remains alive and well in Kentucky is the fact that too many politicians and law-enforcement lobbyists still favor restricting law-abiding citizens’ access to cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine.

We’re told that such heavy-handed government policies are needed because that ingredient is used by a handful of criminals to make the drug methamphetamine.


Debby Burden - Lanham: A View From My Lens...

Duck of Many Colors:  I found this gorgeous colorful duck while roaming through Basil Griffin Park in Bowling Green. I don't know that I've ever seen one so beautiful.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We actually have ours on Saturday here at our house, but I knnow it will be incredible. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. We have so much to be thankful for, not only this year, but always. The beauty we get to experience everyday is one of the blessings I'm so thankful for.


Andy Sullivan: Against the Grain

Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition, defines Thanksgiving as “ a formal, often public thanks to God in form of prayer; an annual U.S. holiday observed on the 4th Thursday in November.  It commemorates the Pilgrim’s celebration of the good harvest in 1621.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Historically, Thanksgiving began as a tradition of celebrating the harvest of the year. It is currently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. This holiday is a time for family gatherings, hearty meals and counting life’s blessings.


Don Locke: Looking Through Bifocals

Throughout history, in order to be elected politicians have appealed to man’s baser, lustful side.  I’m not talking here of skirt-chasing, or drunkenness, and /or debauchery, but just the promise of “things and stuff”.  Things that people want and do not have--- a “chicken in every pot, and two cars in every garage.” ---trips, cruises, fine cars and houses… more and more.  And we know that all these things are not bad within themselves.  The Apostle Paul though admonishes in Romans 13: “Do not always think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”


Cheryl Hughes: My Career As a Woman

Renegade:Up until the 2006 election for governor of Texas, I had never stolen anything in my life.  The silhouette of a Jewish cowboy on a gold pink and green campaign poster would prove to be the temptation beyond that which I was able to bear.  


Tiffany Hampton: Life in Logansport

Tiffany Hampton and son Tucker

Have you ever had one of those moments when you hear you child say the darndest thing? Only to realize that they heard it from you?  I've often said that if you wonder what really comes out of your mouth, just listen to your children. Of course, some of those moments are quite hilarious. Yet some of those moments aren't funny at all. Seems like we can always count on our children to be the ones to put us in our place. It is said that children are like sponges, and how true that is. They learn many things from us, good and bad.


Bluegrass Beacon: Man in the mirror - Change your ways

Now would be a good time for those charged with educating and leading our nation’s young people to take a good, long look in the mirror and reevaluate their priorities and practices.

It’s not enough for leaders in our educational system – whether iconic coaches of powerhouse football programs or local superintendents and the school boards who employ them – to barely do what’s legally required. They have a moral mandate, too.


Debby Burden - Lanham: A View From My Lens...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Can you believe it's that time already? Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday, always has been. I actually met my husband a year ago, so this will be our first Thanksgiving as a married couple :-)  We usually have anywhere from 15-25 people at our house for Thanksgiving and I cook a huge meal. There's nothing that makes me happier than to be surrounded my family and friends. We eat until we can't eat anymore and lay around and be miserable together and just count our blessings.


Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

My family enjoys a good road trip. For us, a road trip is any journey that’s taken in an automobile covering long distances. These trips usually have some plan and include food.



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