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Tiffany Hampton: Life in Logansport

How many times have you ever been watching a movie, a show or a ballgame, and tried talking to the person/persons inside the television?  I can remember watching soap operas and sitcoms with my grandma, and she would try telling them what to do, or what to say.  My dad always told the basketball players, coaches, and refs what they should have been doing.  We all do this, and probably give those around us a good laugh, or maybe a headache.

Of course it's funny to think that when we are talking, or yelling at the television, we have good intentions.  In our mind, we think we know more about the situation than the one involved.  When really we are just talking to ourselves.  So all this makes me wonder . . . if my life was made into a movie, would someone be yelling at the tv?  What about your life?

Our children watch us everyday.  They see us with unconditional eyes.  Every decision we make, plays a role in their life as well.  Another thought is this . . . what if your children were asked to make your life movie.  How would they portray your role?

Unlike making a movie, we get one try at each new day.  We don't get retakes.  We have one chance to live our life . . . and our children are small only once.


Awesome Tiffany...reminds me of the song we sing at church sometimes

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