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Poll Archive

How do you view Confederate war memorial statues?

They are racist, have no place in society, and should be immediately destroyed.
2% (5 votes)
They are part of our history and should not be moved from public land.
81% (242 votes)
They are a part of our history but I can understand how others may be offended. Relocation is the best option.
10% (31 votes)
Not sure ... best approach is to let individual communities make these decisions.
7% (21 votes)
Total votes: 299

How would you describe your attitude toward the solar eclipse?

It's a really big deal and I definitely plan to view it.
63% (62 votes)
It's being way overblown and I probably won't even view it.
16% (16 votes)
I'll just be glad when it's over.
20% (20 votes)
Total votes: 98

Do you think school should be cancelled on August 21 for the solar eclipse?

Yes, definitely.
58% (150 votes)
No, definitely not.
33% (85 votes)
Not sure.
10% (25 votes)
Total votes: 260

Several candidates are considering running for Butler County Judge-Executive in that good or bad?

It's good...the more competition the better!
59% (116 votes)
It's will create chaos and confusion!
15% (30 votes)
Not sure...time will tell.
25% (49 votes)
Total votes: 195

The new school year is less than a month away. Is it...

...too early?
70% (133 votes)
...too late?
4% (8 votes)
...about right?
25% (48 votes)
Total votes: 189

Which melon is your favorite?

67% (146 votes)
26% (56 votes)
2% (5 votes)
5% (11 votes)
Total votes: 218

How often do you visit (events, books, computers, movies, etc.) at the Butler County Public Library?

55% (93 votes)
A few times a year.
29% (48 votes)
5% (8 votes)
9% (15 votes)
2% (4 votes)
Total votes: 168

What is your family's favorite outdoor summer activity?

15% (23 votes)
7% (10 votes)
16% (25 votes)
7% (11 votes)
22% (34 votes)
Other activities not listed
16% (25 votes)
None of the above
16% (24 votes)
Total votes: 152

The Green River Catfish Festival is about a month away - plan to attend?

Yes, definitely. I wouldn't miss it.
25% (59 votes)
No way, not going to be there.
43% (101 votes)
31% (73 votes)
Total votes: 233

Should students be required to learn cursive writing in Kentucky's public schools?

Yes, it is an important communication skill to learn.
88% (215 votes)
No, it is an outdated skill and is no longer needed.
8% (19 votes)
4% (10 votes)
Total votes: 244
