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Tiffany Hampton: Life in Logansport

If you're a woman, then you know what it's like to "just have a feeling."  Our husbands and our children most likely think we are crazy when we say this.  We have all heard the term "mother's intuition."  I believe God gives women an extra sense.  A sense that throws a red flag in our hearts, not just our mind. 

As wives and mothers, I think we're always on  guard to do what we can to help and protect our families.  We don't want to see our family harmed or hurt or deceived in any way.  Most usually, we may not have any reason to feel uncomfortable, or anxious.  We just do.  And sometimes that reason is confusing . . . especially when your child really wants to do something, or your husband thinks your being silly. 

Unless you have ever had that "I don't know what it is or why" feeling, then it's pretty much unexplainable to others.  We may never know where the feeling came from, yet me may realize on down the road.  Either way, I think its important to listen to that intuition.  It's easy to get something stuck in our minds.  But that's when you have to realize the difference in your heart and your head. 

I've heard that there's 18 inches between our brain and our heart.  That small distance can play a powerful role in our lives.  It can make or break a situation.  It could even change your life.  Don't let your mind get in the way of you heart.  Feeling with your heart is more powerful than any sense you have. 


How true.

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