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Wildlife Animal Show

               As part of The Green River Catfish Festival, the Butler County Family Resource Center sponsored an educational program from Real Science Programs.  Held at the BCS Early Childhood Training Center, the building was packed Thursday to see wildlife biologist Brad Reynolds show case and teach about the types of reptiles and amphibians found in Kentucky.

               The large crowd contained several children and adults.  One thing all ages had in common was their curiosity of the live animals and specimens that the wildlife biologist had brought to exhibit.  While speaking, Mr. Reynolds discussed the several specials of frogs, turtles, and lizards that are most commonly found in our area.  Not only did he bring live animals to observe, he also brought videos to educate the audience on the various bone structures and to showcase the amazing things that these creatures are able to do with their bodies.

               One key piece of information that he shared with the audience was how to identify a poisonous snake.  According to Mr. Reynolds, all of the poisonous snakes in Kentucky are in the pit viper family.  Key things that will differentiate a venomous snake is the following:


The head will have a triangular shape with a narrow neck.


Venomous snakes will always have dull, rough scales, while a nonvenomous snake will have a smooth, shiny body.


The pupil will be slit and not round.


The body will be thicker in appearance.

Not only was the crowd advised on the characteristics of venomous snakes they were able to see one up close as well.  In a wooden locked box with air holes drilled for ventilation, a Copper Head lay curled up beneath the glass lid.  Most of us will never see one up close and most have no desire to, but in this controlled environment it was a great opportunity for the community to know what they looked like to avoid them in the future.

               After the portion of his talk was over, Mr. Reynold’s allowed a Q&A with the crowd and several curious questions were answered. Lastly, everyone was allowed to see his specimens and even hold one if brave enough.


               Thank you to the Butler County Family Resource Center for hosting the most educational event The Green River Catfish Festival has ever had. It was great, informative, and hands-on…all the criteria needed to help grow the curious young minds of our county!


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