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Tiffany Hampton: Life in Logansport

How many shades of grey are there? That answer should be none. Unfortunately, the world tends to put everything into the grey category. Truth is, everything is black or white . . . right or wrong.

When driving a car, you can't turn left and right at the same time. You can't stand in the light and the dark at the same time. Some may say, "put half your body in the dark and the other half in the light." Yes, you could do that, but that doesn't allow you to be complete. Living in a grey area only allows you half the potential that God created you for. He does not want us to be lukewarm. Imagine taking a drink of your hot coffee after its sat there an hour, or you ice tea once the ice has melted . . . neither of those drinks would be what they were intended for if they were lukewarm.

Being grey, or lukewarm may be easier at times. Easy isn't always right though. While following a recipe, if we were to edit it to make it easier, the finished product probably wouldn't be right. At the end of the day we won't be asked if we lived an easy life. Its about doing the right thing. I suppose that's why I enjoy being able to share my thoughts with you . . . sometimes it's not so easy for me to put my heart into words. I may have fear of upsetting someone, or coming across as to bold. But at the end of my day, I feel that I'm doing the right thing by sharing what God has put on my heart.

If you've been trying to make a left and right turn at the same time, may I suggest turning right.


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