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Thoughts on Memorial Day from Senator Mike Wilson

At this time of year, it is of the utmost importance we take time to pay tribute to the brave men and women in uniform who have given the ultimate sacrifice to secure and protect our freedom and our way of life.

More than one million veterans have given their lives in service of our country.  Many of whom are from here in our community.  Some we remember, all we honor.  Their collective service spans centuries and continents.  Bound together by their common goal of protecting our freedom, their contribution is immeasurable.

The sacrifice of these ordinary citizens who exhibited extraordinary bravery has made our lives possible.  And, that same sacrifice was endured by their loved ones, too, husbands, wives, children, friends, and neighbors. It is a price all of them paid willingly because they cared for and loved this great country we are privileged to call home.

We honor their sacrifice in many ways, through national and local monuments, parades and formal tributes, raising our front porch flags on Memorial Day, all important and fitting reminders.  Yet, we should do something more.  We should dedicate our lives to making sure these fine veterans who died for our freedom, did not die in vain.

A high cost was paid for us to be able to openly speak our minds, to elect our own leaders, to choose our religion, and to make our own way in life – not held back by any social caste system or repressive form of government.  Freedom is the great gift these fallen veterans have given us.  Let’s not take it for granted.

So on Memorial Day – a day set aside to remember those who, in Lincoln’s great words, ‘gave the last full measure of devotion,’ – let’s make it our goal to honor the sacrifices of our past and present soldiers more than just one day a year.  Let’s honor them with our lives every day.


Note: Senator Mike Wilson (R-Bowling Green) represents the 32nd District including Butler and Warren Counties. He is the Chair of both the Education Committee and the Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee.  He is a member of the Economic Development, Tourism and Labor Committee and the Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee, as well as a liaison member of the Budget Review Subcommittee on Education. 



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