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Table Setting Contest at Kent Manor

Senior citizen care is facing many more concerns and obstacles on a daily basis in the United States. For the first time, elderly people that are disabled are more susceptible to poor quality care and lack of nutritious meals. Many seniors who live alone are unable to get groceries or cook their own meals, and must rely on home delivered meals in order to survive.

 Kentucky is no exception with this issue. However, 10-local counties in Kentucky including Butler County have decided to step up to do their part in ensuring that home-delivered meals reach more disabled seniors. Currently The Senior Center Program only receives between 70-85 percent of the needed funds to run their meal delivery program. Over 500 people are in the waiting line within the local 10-county area for home delivered meals.

 On Friday, March 15, 10 between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, a table setting contest was held at the Kent Manor Community Room to assist in fundraising for the Senior Center Program in making a funds match with the Barren River Area Development District (BRADD) to assist with meal delivery. Tables were set and decorated in hopes of both raising money and in progressing to the regional contest held in Bowling Green. The table with the most money on it at 1:00 PM was declared the winner.

 Third place went to Penni Lee, raising $4  with her John Deere-themed set. Second place went to Smith's Funeral Home, raising $8  with their country-themed set. First place went to Tammy Suggs, raising $18  with her Easter-themed set. These three winners will have the opportunity to display their table sets on Saturday, March 23rd in Bowling Green.

 Having a discussion with Charity Parrish, Public Information for the Senior Care Center and Sylvia Moran, Site Manager for the Senior Care Center, We learn the positive community impacts of having such a community event.

 "We hope to have this contest every year and every county." Said Parrish. She is excited and hopeful for the contest.

 "I hope that more people take part in this contest next year" Stated Moran.   


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