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Support Each Other in Times of Tragedy

Tracy M. Cowles, County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences

Events that cause negative stress are known as traumatic events. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic events are “marked by a sense of horror, helplessness, serious injury or the threat of serious injury or death…and affect survivors, rescue workers, and the friends and relatives of victims who have been involved.”

People who go through a traumatic event can experience serious emotional distress. Furthermore, witnesses of an event or those who watch an event unfold on television can also be affected. Because traumatic events are recognized as a threat to one’s own personal safety and/or the world, they often cause physical, emotional and physiological distress and leave us with unanswered questions and uncertainty.  Traumatic events can include: natural disasters, accidents, random violent acts (e.g., school shootings), terrorism and war. But they can also include events such as moving to a new location, death of a family member or pet, hospitalization or divorce.

Responding to these traumatic situations in a productive manner can help us become stronger individuals and better community and family members.

Try not to compare yourself to others, as no two people will respond to traumatic events the same way. Some people may feel so numb, hollow or overwhelmed that they don’t even know how to respond, while others respond with anxiety or feel as if they’ve lost control, or experience grief and disbelief. Common reactions to trauma also include rapid heartbeat, sweating, changes in daily activity, sleeping and eating patterns, sensitivity to lights and sounds, increased conflict in relationships, headaches and nausea. It is not uncommon for children to experience bed-wetting.

According to the CDC, many people do not start feeling “normal” again for weeks or even months after a traumatic event. If stress symptoms persist or get worse, a person could be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and a medical or mental health professional should be contacted for consultation and follow-up.

Research has shown that moving forward and working at resolving one’s feelings at the time of a traumatic event is beneficial. This helps a person re-establish a sense of safety and trust. In a time of tragedy, be there for each other. Practice patience and understanding with your family members, friends and co-workers. Realize the additional stress may make them more irritable than normal.

At times family members and friends may feel helpless—not knowing what to do or how to help, but sometimes just being there is more help than you realize. If someone wants to talk to you about their feelings and the experience, encourage them and let them share. Do not question whether you are the right person for them to confide in and don’t worry about your response; they identified you as someone who can listen and provide comfort and support. Be careful not to force people to talk about their feelings or share information about the traumatic event if they are not ready.

Some people find it healing to volunteer to help with recovery efforts in their community like taking food to families struggling with the disaster or raising money to benefit survivors. Others may want to join or start a survivors’ group where they can discuss their feelings with others who have shared similar experiences.

Be a friend to yourself and others. Recognize that you and your family and friends will likely experience new or different emotions after a tragedy and that it will take time to heal. The CDC recommends individuals maintain their usual routine as much as possible, be kind, turn to family, friends and community members for support, and recognize when things are out of control and help is needed. The American Psychological Association says engaging in healthy behaviors such as eating well-balanced meals and practicing relief through relaxation techniques can also help you to cope with distress.

For more information, contact the Butler County Extension Office at 112 East G L Smith Street, Morgantown or call 526-3767. Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. 

Submitted By:  Tracy M. Cowles, County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences
Source: Amy Hosier, Extension Specialist for Family Life Education and
Angelica Reina, Extension Specialist for Child Development and Parenting Education, American Psychological Association, University of Maryland Medical Center and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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