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Ricky Lockhart, Local Rosarian

Ricky Lockharts's 2023 McFarland Award winning rose, All My Loving

Thirty years ago, while still living on Richland Church Road, Ricky and his wife, Mary Ann, were contemplating how to landscape the area around their driveway and decided upon roses. Hauling rock, they formed a tear-shaped flowerbed to plant them in. All these years later, Ricky Lockart still makes it a point to not only stop and smell the roses but to tend his roses and continue to curate them as well. 

From this one bed of roses, his passion and love for this timeless favorite has now grown to around 250 roses that reside in various beds about his residence. The beds are composed primarily of Modern Tea Roses, with some Grandiflora. The many varieties offer hues, variegated patterns, and breathtaking scents…some literally smell like candy. 

Lockhart and his 2022 McFarland Award

A lifetime of care and devotion to this horticultural hobby does not go unnoticed. An active Bowling Green Rose Society member, Mr. Lockhart competes in rose competitions at least twice a year. Recently, he participated in The Southeast TENARKY District Rose Show in Knoxville, Tennessee. The TENARKY district includes competitors from Tennessee, Arkansas, and Kentucky. This year marks Ricky Lockhart’s second time winning the prestigious McFarland Rose award. This top award, named after the famous rosarian John Horace McFarland, is the highest award to be achieved at this show. In addition to this great honor, Ricky placed in eleven classes at the show (three in the Challenge Class and eight in the Horticulture Class). 

While speaking with Mr. Lockhart, I asked how the roses were kept in such excellent condition until show time. He explained how vital it is to ensure the safety of the cuttings while traveling to guarantee they will be ready on the day of the show. Once Ricky has chosen the roses he wishes to enter, they are carefully placed in sturdy, plastic tubes with sufficient access to water, then packed into coolers to preserve their beauty until showtime.

If you are interested in growing and/or showing roses, come to a Bowling Green Rose Society meeting. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Warren County Extension Office. 




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