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REPORT: Butler County Recycling & Solid Waste for 2020

Butler County Judge-Executive Tim Flener presnted the following report for the Butler County Recycling/Solid Waste program. Corey Raymer is the director.

Recycling/Solid Waste 2020

January- December


1. The recycling center has a total of 35 trailers. 32 of them are out at all times to the public.

2. Operated and maintained all equipment with no major problems or concerns with the help from the road department.

3. Six volunteers from the Butler County Community have supported the Recycling Center this year. One volunteer has supported the Recycling Center all year by putting 40 hours a week. All the work would not been completed without volunteers.

4. Judy Ingram, from JSI Trucking, has donated truck, trailer, and driver to deliver our product at no cost Butler County.

5. Twenty-five local businesses are participating in Recycling Program without the trailers are on a pickup route.

6. The Recycling Center has an inventory of approximately 40 tons of materials to be sold. Old corrugated cardboard, sorted white paper (office paper), old newsprint, magazines, old books, steel, aluminum, copper, batteries any type, alternators any type, vehicle starters any type, radiators any type, catalytic converters any type, and any other types of metal.

7. The Recycling Center processed and sold approximately 223 tons of recycling materials this year. Total sales this year are approximately $11,400.00.

Solid Waste:

Solid Waste has applied for and received the following grants:

1. Litter Abatement approximately $28,000.00.

2. Illegal Open Dumps approximately $ 35,000.00 the most Butler County has ever received.

3. Applied for approximately $18,000.00 in illegal Open Dump Grant 2021.

4. Solid Waste had a three-day County/City Clean up with 32 roll off dumpsters filled. Totaling approximately 119.5 tons of solid waste.

5. Solid Waste received a waste tire grant for $4,000.00 to dispose of waste tires. Approximately 1,161 waste tires were recycled this year.

6. Solid Waste is called out weekly to remove items that have been dumped on the side of county roads(mattresses, couches, recliners, tires. Etc...)

7. Solid Waste oversees Litter Abatement activities throughout the year.

8. Butler County received a Rubber Modified Asphalt Grant this year. Used to asphalt over two miles of county road this year. One mile was made from recycled waste tires. This was through the Division of Waste Management.

9. There were 26 verbal warnings given this year to property owners about being in violation of the County Nuisance Ordinance.

10. There were 7 letters of violation sent out this year to property owners about not complying with the County Nuisance Ordinance.

11. There were several illegal open dumps picked up by hand from solid waste this year.


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