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Puppet Show / Thanksgiving Dinner at B&G Club

The Boys and Girls Club of Morgantown facilitated a puppet show and Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday November 20. The puppet show was performed by members of South Central Kentucky's "Kids on the Block". This incident of the performance was funded by Alpha Beta Gamma, a sorority at Western Kentucky University. The show was intended to quail misunderstandings and educate the children about Diabetes.

Various segments of the show were tactfully engineered to methodically break the 4th wall, allowing the children to become more immersed by asking the puppets questions about diabetes. Following the puppet show, the children were led away from the gymnasium by group into the dining area. Many parents attended the dinner with their child. The dinner was prepared by Wanda Nevins as well as others. The ingredients for the meal were provided by Houchens Industries and Perdue.

This was the first Thanksgiving meal hosted by the Boys and Girls Club. The institution has expressed intent to host Thanksgiving from this year hencefourth.


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