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PHIL'S PHILOSOPHY By; D.P Kinkade Contributions By; Taylor & Drake Kinkade

CHRISTMAS SPIRITS-Hurry honey, we don’t have time to dawdle, it’s Christmas Eve and we still have lots of shopping to do,” a father told his daughter. “I’m coming Daddy, I was just looking at the earrings; Mommy said she would like some new ones.” “I think we’ll check out the new jewelry store at the mall for those, they are having a big sale. “Oh Daddy, can I have a dollar to play games while you pay?” Alright, one dollar and stay right in the arcade, okay?” As the man waited in line he reminded himself of how the joy on his family’s faces would be worth the hassle of last minute shopping. He paid for the gifts and went to round up his daughter. “Now I told her to stay right in the arcade!” he thought after not finding her where she was supposed to be.

After searching for several minutes he finally spotted her outside next to the Santa ringing a bell. No, it looked like her, same hair and eyes but that little girl was wearing a ragged old coat and hat, plus she was dirty from head to toe. Then the girl laughed and turned toward him. Suddenly she was dressed in a new leather coat and a spotless white hat and scarf. It was his daughter after all! It must be a trick of the light he thought. As he approached her he started to scold her for not being at their agreed upon place, but she started talking before he could get a word out. “Daddy I gave my dollar to this Santa,” she said, “I know he’s not the real one but he is helping him. It is for the little kids whose mommy and daddy won’t be able to help Santa this year.” she whispered in confidence into his ear, how could he scold her after revealing what a big heart she had, so he just smiled and gave a wink to Santa as they continued on.

After their shopping was done they stopped at the nursing home, just like every week to visit with Grandma and today she would receive a special gift from her granddaughter. This was a special time shared between his mother and his daughter, so he quietly slipped out the door to let them enjoy a few minutes alone. This place was nice yet he felt a little sad each time they came and regretted that they could no longer care for Grandma at home. When he returned to his mother’s room his daughter was nowhere in sight. He finally found her a few doors down, sitting on the edge of a bed talking to a lady who was a total stranger. The lady turned when she noticed him and he saw that it was indeed his mother after all. Then he took a second look and the lady was again a stranger. “Come on honey,” the man said to his daughter after regaining his composure. 

As they were walking back to his real mother’s room, his daughter said, “Daddy did you know that some of the people here don’t have any little boys or girls to visit them? That’ so sad,” she rushed on before he had time to answer. “Yes, baby it is sad,” he answered as they arrived at Grandma’s room. “Hey, isn’t that Grandma way up there in a wheelchair?” he said pointing up the hall. “Daddy, Grandma is right here,” his daughter answered, gesturing inside the room. “Must be fatigue starting to muddle my vision,” the man concluded. After a few moments the man told his daughter, “we can’t stay long with Grandma tonight, we’ve still got a lot to get done, but we will be back tomorrow for a nice long visit.”

After they left the nursing home, they made one last stop on their way home. It was at the hardware store to get that special sled for the little man of the house. As they were about to enter the store the man heard a familiar voice call out, “Daddy.” His wife and son were across the street waving at him. His wife must have been heading to the hardware store for some last minute shopping too. Just as they started across the street toward him, a speeding car turned the corner and came barreling down the street! He froze in terror, his mind screamed NO! His daughter was also witness to the tragedy about to occur and suddenly she darted from beside him, determined to save the rest of the family. In the last instant before his family would be taken from him the image vanished. Faintly he heard his daughter ask, “What's wrong Daddy,” He looked toward the door of the hardware store to see his baby girl giving him a concerned look.

Softly at first, then with great purpose, he heard a voice beside him begin to speak, somehow in a strangely familiar voice: “The poor are all our children, needing a new coat. The lonely are all our mothers, needing a friendly voice. Everyone is our family; needing to be rescued!” He looked toward the sound of the voice but no one was there.

That Christmas and each one from then on; took on special meaning. It had always been a joyous occasion but never again would he take it for granted. Christmas is not just acelebration of a birthday, but in actuality a celebration of life and a reminder of the connection between us all!

Merry Christmas everyone.

Hope it is a time of joy and miracles for all or at least a time of refection for the love that has been visited upon you during your lifetime..


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