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PHIL'S PHILOSOPHY By: D.P Kinkade Contributions by: Taylor & Drake Kinkade

TURN AROUND- Recently, I have began to hear, repeatedly, an expression which, to be completely honest, just rubs me the wrong way, does not sit well, or however you want to put it. My usually calm nature is beginning to get ticked off and I would like to try to put a stop to, or at least slow down, its rampant use. My family was at an event not long ago where the pledge of allegiance and a prayer was offered before the festivities began. Now, I have nothing against either one of those things, I am proud of my Country and I firmly believe in prayer. I don't believe in the “Genie in a bottle” type of prayer, where we try to fulfill wishes but the type of prayer which aligns us with our source of being, is awe inspiring. This fellow whom lead us, I'm sure meant well and I bear him no ill will but the phrase, “let this country turn BACK to you God !” although said in all sincerity, in my humble opinion, leads us in the completely wrong direction! Not the God part of the equation, just the romanticizing of a past that never really was.

First off, exactly when was this magical time when this nation, as a whole, was headed on “the right path,” was it when we took this country away from the Native Americans by force and utter barbaric cruelty? Was it when the majority either outright promoted slavery as a birthright for a certain class and justified it with bible verses or else often just ignored it ? Was it during the era of Jim Crow laws, designed to segregate and subjugate? Was it when we forced Japanese Americans into interment camps, for the “security of the country?” Was it during the era of McCarthyism when everyone was under suspicion. Was it the era of witch trials, culminating with hangings and burning, for being the least bit different or because of greed (taking the land of those under suspicion)? Was it the time when cowardly American terrorists, in robes and hoods, burned crosses and brandished flags, associated with a message of hate and perceived superiority? Was it the time when spousal and child abuse went largely ignored, even sometimes encouraged, even in the schoolroom? I could go on but I think you get my point.

The main reason why this phrase annoys me so much though is a whole separate issue, which stands independent. Repentance technically means “turning around” but it really is defining a situation of looking at things completely differently, not going back to someplace you once were. You see, unlike some folks who seem to want to go back to a time when everything was great but in actuality was only good for a very small percentage of people, as a whole and whom seem to have no real plan on how to get to this perceived Shang-ra-la, other than bully techniques and name calling, for those that see things differently, I would like us to step forward into a potential yet unrealized, but fully attainable, for those with vision.

My son is beginning to look toward his future, beyond his high school years and theater and related courses are appealing more and more to him all the time. The way he learns and the way he is “wired,” is turning out to be a lot like his dad. He is outgrowing shyness and introversion much sooner than I did though. We have also discovered that like me, he does not learn in a linear path. You see, we don't learn by perfecting one aspect and then moving on to the next, we need to see the whole picture, connect the patterns and then slowly refine it, more like chiseling a sculpture, instead of building a house. His mom and sister are not like that, they learn and absorb things in a steady progression and the way most of the educational system works, that is beneficial for high marks and an elevated G.P.A. There is a whole segment of us that do not do well by stopping and going back though, not only is that boring and counter productive for us, it is also defeatist, it promotes an attitude of hopelessness in reaching a goal. As a society, steady progression has its place but to foster Hope, Creativity and Vision, we have to look at the big picture and keep moving FORWARD.

I do long for some of the things from the past though, like small shops that know you, instead of superstores; an America that made most of what we use and built a thriving middle class; John Dewey, Maria Montessori, John Holt and others had us going down the right path long ago, in regards to education, which sadly and I believe to our detriment, was largely abandoned, but for this nation to become a haven for wonder and imagination and yes, even faith; then like my son and I, neither of which learns well by constantly “going back,” we as a people, need to grow up and move forward, not back. Prayer and faith involve a partnership and it takes the willingness of all of us, to take this world where it needs to go, it is the willingness to join in a relationship with God. It requires the work and wisdom of an adult, with a plan to move forward, along with keeping the wonder inherent in a child but not helplessness or the notion that we have somehow been defeated.


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