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Phil's Philosophy - by D.P. Kinkade (contributions by Taylor & Drake Kinkade)

WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Recently I read something that, oh I don't know, inspirational is not really the right word, which was what I originally was going to use and neither was it an epiphany, which I also considered using because it was not a sudden revelation, it was more like those times when you know deep in your bones that something is true but just is not being said. I am going to have to paraphrase what I read because I can't find the exact quote right now but it went something like this, “ perhaps our job is not to tell people what to think but to stimulate them into wanting to think!” Now, in this particular instance the gentleman was referring to ways professionals in the field go about interpreting a certain library of writings which many of us hold as both cherished and authoritative.

Yes, yes, yes, that is it precisely, that is the role professionals should take on. That is exciting, that is invigorating, but sadly also largely ignored by the majority of professionals in the field, whom seem to firmly believe we all need to be shaped into the same mold and forced fed “orthodoxy” and for those of you who may not know- orthodoxy- simply means right-thinking. I have no use for well-meaning folks telling me what I should think and what is correct to believe, just open the door and let me explore on my own, I'll be just fine, in fact this is what makes me feel alive.

The fellow that wrote those words I quoted is an author and speaker whom I first stumbled upon about a decade or so ago. He has been an inspiration for me through the written word many times since then. Not long ago I got to check an item off my bucket list, as my wife and I and a few folks that mean a lot to me, actually got to listen to him speak in person and then we met him afterwards. The whole day was invigorating for me, I am not into partying it up with booze and idiocy, or even attending professional sporting events, for the most part, but give me some friends and good food and an inspirational speaker and I'm a “happy camper.”

Although he was being specific about the interpretation of a certain body of written works, I believe he may have stumbled upon a profound truth with far-reaching implications. I watched a couple of things recently on television, one gave me hope and the other one absolutely made my blood boil. The first was a documentary, which if I remember correctly, was simply entitled -teach. It explored some ways to motivate young people to learn and some methods that were working and some that never really had, even though we almost take them for granted. One method explored the teacher/facilitator taking the center of the room while the students formed a circle each working on individual problems on huge boards, thus making it easier to see who was struggling and who was capable of advancing at a quicker pace; no one size fits all.

That “one size fits all” approach is the major antagonist to learning, in my estimation, and the reason why I am so opposed to standardized tests. You cannot take everyone and shape them in the same mold. When you do not know someone personally you can misjudge a lot of things, the same is true for how people learn.

The scene I watched that made my blood boil was just one line from a fictionalized story, where a 10-year-old little boy walks into the classroom and the teacher tells him to “go to the Principal's office and tell him why you are late for MY class!” I hate that! It is the little boys class!  It exists solely for the children! The teacher's sole function should be, to inspire curiosity along with stimulating a love for the student to think on their own.

I know for me personally, being asked “what do you think” is one of the greatest compliments you can give me. Research has discovered that I am not alone in this and in fact, the vast majority of men truly feel loved when they feel their thoughts are respected and valued. 

If we truly want to change the world, if we want to leave behind a legacy we can be proud of, if we want a future filled with hope, instead of dread or fear, then instead of telling people to fit inside our mold of right and wrong, perhaps it can start by taking seriously one simple phrase; “What do you think?”



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