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PHIL'S PHILOSOPHY By: D.P Kinkade Contributions by: Taylor & Drake Kinkade

BOLD COWARDICE:  I would like to start off with a quote by someone else which goes as follows, “it should be remembered that brutality is not manliness but cowardice!” I could not find out who originally said that quote and a quick search provided no definitive answers, so, though I would like to give credit to the author of this incredibly wise observation, I am unable. Those few words do hold a vast amount of truth in them though, wouldn't you agree? I am an admitted “word nerd” and language junkie, so I thought we might dissect the meaning of a few words among this quotation and examine a few scenarios, after which, I hope maybe a few more of you folks whom are reading this might appreciate the depths of wisdom in this simple statement.

Some synonyms for manliness are -boldness, courage, strength, virility. Now, I don't want to offend any of my female readers, I know that women are just as courageous as men, maybe even more so and have vast reserves of strength to forge through in difficult circumstances. I am merely working within the parameters of the quote I am using, for an example. So please don't hang me out to dry or assume that I believe men are superior in some way. Now, back to some of those synonyms, courage and boldness, two admirable traits to be sure but often brutality gets thrown in to the mix as though it is in an equal and necessary partnership with courage.

The definition of courage is – strength in the face of pain or grief. To go on and do what is right or what is needed, despite the odds or the cost; that is courage. Courage is not the lack of fear but it is the opposite of cowardice. Now on to cowardice, cowardice is the the epitome of selfishness, it concerns itself with nothing but its own comfort or safety, it is the unwillingness to face danger, difficulty or adversity.

Finally let's look at brutality- It means savage violence or cruelty. To be brutal to those around you in no way makes you courageous, bold, or manly, brutality always and only; diminishes. I hope that neither of my children ever resort to brutality toward others, for any reason, I especially hope my son never equates manliness with brutality. I would feel I would have failed as a father, if they somehow found violence and brutality appealing in any way.

Once in ancient history a man of compassion, forgiveness and nonviolence was beaten and crucified while others mocked yet ultimately brutality did not win the day. If you unflinchingly support or even praise acts where others are in jeopardy of being belittled, or their dignity taken away, then by definition you are a bully, true courage has no part in that.


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