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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

As we approach the biggest shopping season of the year, many of you have your shopping lists ready. Some of you may already be wrapping gifts to place under the tree, and others haven’t yet thought about this whole process.

Shoppers not only come in all sizes and ages; but, in an Internet article, Emily Beach recognized different types of shoppers: economic, personalizing, ethical, apathetic, fringe and transitional.
•    The economic shoppers focus on the price of items when deciding which products to purchase.
•    The personalizing shoppers value personal relationships over low prices. They focus on building relationships, often shopping close to home.
•    Ethical shoppers base their decisions on factors other than price and their store experience. These shoppers feel morally obligated to support their beliefs while shopping. This may include supporting neighborhood merchants over large chain retailers.
•    Apathetic shoppers have no interest in shopping and only do so out of necessity. They try to minimize their shopping time.
•    The fringe shoppers strive to have the latest and greatest products. They research shopping options thoroughly before buying, and may choose to buy online or through catalogs rather than in a store.
•    The transitional shoppers include young families who have yet to find their shopping niche. ( )
I can relate to these shopping types. When I was a young mother, my Christmas shopping was usually done the first day of Christmas break – after the semester ended. Back then, I was probably a cross between an economic shopper and an apathetic shopper. In recent years, Black Friday has been my first shopping day (I am tempted by the bargains.). As my family has grown, I have needed more time. Today, my closet already contains a few bags of Christmas presents (I started a little early.). Also, I’m still an economic-apathetic shopper.

Many people have expressed opinions about Christmas shopping. A couple of thoughts are listed below:
•    Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase. ~Erma Bombeck
•    Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice. ~Dave Barry

Finally, as we approach the Christmas season, may your shopping be jolly yet peaceful. And, may you be with loved ones during the holidays.


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