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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

The 4th of July is one of my favorite days of the year. For decades, family members who are able gather at my house for the evening to eat and watch fireworks. We overflow the house, spilling out to the porches, the yard, and the garage. As one of six children, a mom, and a granny, I look forward to this family gathering.


Wondering what others enjoy about the holiday, I asked friends and family: “July 4th will soon be here! What are your favorite Independence Day activities and foods?” Their responses are listed below.

-I love getting together with all the family and eating good food and celebrating our country’s independence and watching fireworks! We always have the best time!

-I enjoy a good family BBQ and watching Morgantown’s fireworks.

-I don’t care for the day really. It’s always too hot, and I don’t enjoy noisy firecrackers. I’m a cooler weather holiday person. Now it’s even too hot to get in the pool – feels like a bath. It would be nice to celebrate it on Mackinac Island.

-Watermelon, my granddaughter’s triple berry pie and grilled hot dogs. I don’t care if we have steak, hamburgers, or whatever we grill, but you have to throw some hot dogs in there, too!

-Fireworks and homemade ice cream.

-Fireworks and homemade mac n cheese!

-I love lots of things about the 4th of July. As a history teacher, the Fourth of July has a lot of significance in my mind. As an American, it has a lot of significance in my heart. But, over the last few years, I have found myself enjoying watching my family love it. The Fourth of July is definitely one of their favorites. During the day, my husband grills out, and the kids play basketball or other things in the yard. That evening, we all watch the fireworks together at Morgantown before coming home to set off some of our own. I love seeing my husband become a kid again when it comes to setting off our fireworks. When I was a new mom, people always warned me that time would move so quickly. It certainly has. So I savor the traditions our little family has made, especially on the Fourth of July.

-Fireworks, burgers and BBQ.

-Family get together, and all the cookout food!

-I’m going to church camp this year. Usually my favorite activity is watching the fireworks, snuggled between my parents.

-My favorite activity is visiting with everyone at the cookout and watching the fireworks. I plan to have whatever is on the grill and hopefully homemade ice cream!

-All of them…food.

-Spending time with my family and enjoying the City of Morgantown’s fireworks show! Also, looking forward to the BBQ.

-Being with family! Eating whatever everyone brings to enjoy.

-The Craig get together!

-Get togethers, BBQ, and giving thanks for our freedom.

-I always look forward to being with all our family on the 4th. The good food and awesome fireworks done by the City of Morgantown are the icing on the cake!

-Grill and chill are linked at the hip.

For me, Independence Day is about patriotism and family. Regarding family, someone said, “Some of us were born into this family; others were brave enough to join by choice.” I’m happy to celebrate country and family on the 4th and am very thankful for both.


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