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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

My grandson’s wedding was last weekend. Beforehand, I commented to his bride that if something didn’t happen just right, no one outside those who planned the wedding would even know. Having three daughters, I have learned that the details of a wedding may not go exactly as planned.

Thinking along those lines, I wondered about the wedding stories others might have. So, I asked friends and family, “We hear about things that go wrong at weddings. What was something unplanned that happened at a wedding to you or to someone you know?” Their responses are below.

-The preacher arrived three minutes before the wedding started!

-A candelabra caught fire at a friend’s wedding and was carried out blazing during the ceremony.

-On my August 1st wedding day, someone turned off the air conditioning that day, resulting in a very warm wedding ceremony. With the church filling up, the unit struggled to provide very little relief.

-My whole wedding was a comedy of errors, but the simplest one to explain is that the organist began by playing the “Here Comes the Bride” song (Is that called the Wedding March?) as my future mother-in-law walked down the aisle.

-We had a beach wedding in Panama City. A friend was planning to take pictures. They got lost coming from Destin to Panama and were late to the wedding. But we had others with cameras, and he still got some pictures, too.

-During the ceremony, the groom cried, blowing bubbles out his nose.

-I will never forget, someone wore a wedding dress to my sister’s wedding!

-My horse and carriage was running late so that made our wedding start late, too.

-Our nephew – the ring bearer – lay down on the floor. I guess he was tired.

-At one wedding, the bridesmaid’s long hair got scorched in the candle flame.

-We had a very low-cost wedding. We used a CD player with a pre-recorded CD to provide music for my wife walking down the aisle. My uncle sat down next to the CD player despite the seat being reserved. He assured us he was able to work the device as needed during the service. My wife walked down the aisle, but the music didn’t stop. He was having trouble turning off the music. It was pretty funny.

-The bride’s blusher was singed a bit as she blew out a candle. Then my niece told the minister to get on with it – that provided some laughter.


-My mom locked herself in the bathroom just minutes before we were to leave for the church. She refused to come out, so we left without her. My older brother brought her just minutes before the wedding started. She hadn’t even finished her makeup, but she did get there. It’s funny now, but not so much that night.

-We got married on a jetty near the water at Kentucky Lake. As soon as the ceremony was over, my three or four-year-old nephew walked to the water, pulled his pants down to his ankles and peed in the lake water. We have a wedding picture of us smiling and him in the background with his little booty shining.

- We got married in my in-laws’ house. In the middle of the ceremony, the house phone began ringing.

 -The flower girls and ring bearer dumped their contents, being distracted, and walked down the wrong path.

-One wedding had a noticeable wardrobe malfunction.

According to Barbara De Angelis, “The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It’s a choice you make – not just on your wedding day, but over and over again – and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife” ( Even though some wedding details may not go as planned, making the choice to love someone daily can build a very strong marriage. Thankfully, marital happiness has little to do with the wedding; it’s about daily living.


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