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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

The Fourth of July is quickly approaching, and I’ve been thinking about our nation. I am proud of our nation, but have a few concerns. I believe a directional adjustment is needed regarding some issues.

Wondering about the viewpoint of others, I asked friends and family: “What is one concern you have regarding our nation?” Their responses related to several topics: God/morality, foreign relations, intolerance, healthcare, leadership, national unrest, and violence/warfare. Their answers are listed below:

  • Getting away from God.
  • Leadership
  •  Our vulnerability to technological warfare.
  •  My greatest concern is healthcare. No one seems to care if people live or die due to the outrageous cost of medications.

    Gun violence and the failure of politicians to deal with it, drug cost and the unreasonable profit made by pharmaceutical companies, our country’s willingness to support immoral politicians, and on and on and on….

  • Most people cannot retire due to needing insurance benefits through the group at their workplace. They cannot afford to pay for the insurance premiums and medications, etc., in addition to their living expenses on their retirement money. I am even concerned about Medicare and whether the country will still have it in the future. I guess the bottom line is we may soon have to depend only on our own means for our healthcare. Since we are aging, that is alarming.
  •  I have two concerns. First, that we all have little tolerance or understanding for others, and that violence is used toward others who don’t think the same. Second, Trump has put our democracy at high risk because of his lack of understanding and because his priority is himself.
  • Alienation of other countries due to the idiocy emanating from Washington, D.C.
  • I fear we are moving ever closer to anarchy. When our leaders refuse to obey our laws, I fear that larger numbers of our population will follow.
  • We live in a time when individuals believes they are smarter than others – which is alright, but they shun each other’s ideas and are quick to get offended when someone else’s opinion or viewpoint differs. No one can maturely discuss anything anymore it seems. Also, no one can take constructive criticism or give it correctly.
  • In this current age of selfish “me-ism” encouraged by acceptance of consumerism, profiteering, piracy, predatory lending, social control and disinformation, how is our current culture different from historical models? Look to the past. What is different in our present?
  • People are becoming too dependent on government funds. Fewer people want to contribute to society. They just want things handed to them.
  • I am concerned that Trump is going to start a war or do something he will regret.
  • People advocating for socialism. Also, the lack of Biblical teaching in our communities.
  • The democrats will take over – especially those so far off in left field who have no common sense.
  • The disconnection between political parties and the public in general, and the embarrassment that most Americans feel for the way our country looks from the outside on a daily basis in the news. Also, the possibility of global conflict – economic and military.

Harry Emerson Fosdick said, “Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have,” and William J. (Bill) Clinton said, “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America” ( As I anticipate celebrating the Fourth of July, I choose to believe that our country can still make changes that will address many of these concerns.


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