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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

Next Sunday is Father’s Day. It’s a time to remember and to honor our fathers. Even though I lost my dad in 2009, I appreciate so many of his qualities, teachings, and acts of love.

Thinking about the many ways I appreciate my dad, I wondered about others’ experiences. I asked friends and family, “What about your dad did or do you appreciate most?” Their responses are listed below:

  •       His work ethic, which he instilled in his children as well. The fact that hard work never hurt anyone. If you want something, you shouldn’t expect someone to hand it to you, work for it. You’ll appreciate it more.
  • My dad wasn’t always there for me when I was growing up; but, I appreciate how much he has changed and is always there for my boys and is the best poppy to them.
  • I truly loved the way he made me feel! He made me feel important and that he was concerned with my feelings and opinions on matters. He was quite the character!
  • Where do I start? Different things for different stages of life (some just came to light in my mind at those stages), but he always made sure I didn’t do without when I truly needed something and a lot of times when it wasn’t a need, he provided also. He kept me away from some of the things I “needed” through “stern” advice – however you want to interpret that!
  • I already know that he loves me, and that’s always nice to hear; but when he tells me that he’s proud of me, that’s what I appreciate most. And he’s always pushing me out of my comfort zone. Not in a bad way, sometimes I need to be pushed and explore/do things I normally wouldn’t.
  • He loved me. What else can a child say? He was the head of the house, he believed in what was right, a God-fearing man.
  • I appreciate that he showed affection so well, giving hugs and kisses any time we wanted them.
  • His integrity and his quick wit. He was hysterical in a dry sort of way…if you listened close enough to catch it.
  • I do not know how much we really interacted – other than sports. I think as I got older if he had lived, we would have grown closer. But I knew he loved me. I guess I appreciated the approval that I saw in his eyes when I played basketball and went to college. I knew he was proud of me.
  • Constant love and encouragement despite life’s ups and downs. He believed I had potential.
  • I appreciate Dad’s honesty. He couldn’t lie about anything even if he wanted to.
  • My dad was very honest, hardworking and dependable. I think I most appreciate that he was there if needed.
  • His teaching of the ability to examine a problem from multiple perspectives in diverse situations and visualize potential outcomes for the use of understanding, planning and implementation. It is analogous to playing chess in a 3-dimensional context. The conceptual application seems universal and simple. It was also very effective.
  • He was a good provider and worked hard for all of us to have what we needed and most of the time, what we wanted, too. He showed us incredible love. His family was important to him. He brought all of us up to be hard working and loving people as well as making family important to all of us, too.
  • Oh, gosh. Where do I start? I guess the fact that he taught us the value of honest, hard work and making your own living. He also taught me about tithing – I have never forgotten it. He taught me to tithe no matter what and the rest would fall into place. And it always has.
  • My father left before I was born. I met him when I was 10, and my parents remarried. He came and went for the next 10 years, so he was never a constant in my life. More times than not, he left disappointment and need in my life, physically and emotionally. I guess learning to rely on God as my father early in life would be the only positive I can say about my birth father’s influence. God uses our trials to bring about His good.
  • He would do anything in the world for me and is always teaching me something new.
  • I appreciate so many things about my dad. His time, his Christian example, his good name, his love of Christmas, his appreciation of the seasons, his humor and even his grammar corrections are qualities I appreciate and miss often. But, what I appreciate most of all are the notes I have in my Bible from his sermons and how he taught me by example about the importance of unconditional love of family.
  • He was such a hard worker. In the off season from farming, he was a voracious reader. I have vivid memories of him sitting by the fire with a book. Probably because of that influence I find that is one of my favorite things.
  • The way he stood up for what was right. And he was always there if you needed him.
  • Working as hard as he did for years, sacrificing his time and body to give us everything we have.
  • What I loved most about my Daddy was his unconditional love for me. He always encouraged and supported me. I also loved how he stood for what he believed in no matter the cost.

Although my dad is gone, I deeply appreciate our relationship. As Jim Valvano said, “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me” ( My dad was a supportive, loving dad – just ask any of his children.


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