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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

As a former teacher, April Fools’ Day is not my favorite day of the year. Apparently, since I was taken in by many April Fools’ Day stories in the past, I am gullible. And I’m sure many teachers are happy April Fools’ Day falls on a Saturday this year. It can be a tough day.

According to Wikipedia, April Fools' Day is known for people playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. People playing April-Fool jokes expose their prank by shouting, “April Fool!” Some newspapers, magazines, and other published media even report fake stories on this day – usually explained the next day or below the news section in small print. Although April Fools' Day has been popular since the 19th century, it is not a holiday in any country (

Many sites on the Internet provide suggestions for April Fools' Day jokes and pranks as well as quotes about the day. The following quotes are only a sample (

•Today is April Fools’ Day. Believe nothing and trust no one... Just like any other day.

•April Fools’ Day prank for a friend: post their car and phone number on craigslist for dirt cheap and watch the phone calls come pouring in.

•Just a warning that on April Fools’ Day my natural distrust of others will be ratcheted up to a level bordering on psychosis.


I asked friends and family whether they participated in April Fools’ Day pranks and jokes. About 30% do participate and about 70% do not participate. Comments other than a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ when responding are recorded below:

•I don’t like pranks any day of the year.

•No, I don’t. I so rarely lie, I couldn’t pull one off anyway.

•When the opportunity arises.

•No. Unless someone does one on me. I don’t find those funny.

•I do it every day, so there you go!


•Nope. I’m never clever enough.

•Of course! Every chance I get! But only ones that are harmless. Currently, I’m thinking that the world-famous pregnant giraffe, whose name coincidentally is April, is not actually pregnant! I think they will tell the vast numbers of people around the world on April 1st, “Happy April Fools’ Day! George isn’t pregnant!” I actually don’t think this, but it would be hysterical!

•No, but I did when I was a kid.

•I’m a terrible liar, so I don’t usually try to fool anyone.

•No, we don’t normally participate. I really don’t care for the idea at all!

•Afraid I am just not the practical joke type. I like to have fun but playing jokes on people is a thing that I don’t consider fun.

•Just the occasional white lie to shock someone, but I can never make it last longer than 10 minutes! I work in an elementary school though, so I get them all day long.

•I do not. Every day is April Fools’ Day for me – it’s called real life. I have to laugh a little bit every day just to make life acceptable!

•Nope. The world is already too full of ironic or perplexing events without my humble additions to the lives of others. 

•I don’t particularly care for this day.

•April Fools’ Day is one day I am always glad to see go. I am gullible, so I get pranked all day every year. 


April 1st is the beginning of a month that brings warmer weather and beautiful flowers. Yet, I don’t enjoy the jokes and pranks. I am too easily fooled. So, go quickly, April Fools’ Day!






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