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Patty Craig: A Slice of Time

According to Internet information, about 60 percent of Americans plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Originally, the day was to commemorate Saint Valentine. Now, people view Valentine’s Day differently. Some say they celebrate the day to make someone happy while others report enjoying gift giving, celebrating because others do, or feeling obligated to do so (

The average U.S. adult spends around $54 on a gift.  February 14th is one of the two biggest occasions on which flowers are given. Of the people who buy Valentine's Day flowers, 73% are men, and 27% are women. About 1 billion Valentine cards are sent annually. Teachers receive the most Valentine's Day cards, followed by children, mothers, wives, and then, sweethearts ( As we know, younger elementary school children enjoy giving and getting small Valentine cards each year.

I asked friends and family if they celebrate Valentine’s Day, and if so, why. Their responses are below:
•    Yes, but not as much as when my daughter was younger. We still enjoy giving cards, eating out, etc., and occasionally, I get flowers and candy, too! I guess we like making someone happy and enjoy giving, too!
•    No, because my wife does not.
•    Maybe. Occasionally, I get chocolates or flowers. My husband feels it is an event created by Hallmark to make money. Real romantic that husband of mine.
•    Nope! My husband thinks it’s silly. But, I’d love to get some gifts!
•    We do very little celebrating; it really isn’t our style. Even add to the fact that my birthday is two days after Valentine’s Day and it isn’t a big deal either. My friend in Illinois always freaked out that there were no big celebrations at our home. We enjoy getting the house all festive for Christmas and that is pretty much the extent of our celebrations.
•    I do celebrate Valentine’s Day. We surprise one another with one gift then go out to dinner (I’m making home-made macadamia nut cookies – his favorite). It’s one of the days where we don’t feel guilty for spending a little money since it’s usually tight.
•    Though I need none, it’s an excuse to express my love for my wife.
•    Yes, tradition I guess – always have.
•    If it’s on a weekend, we may use it as an excuse to go out to eat; but, otherwise it’s basically just another day. So, it’s hit or miss. I don’t feel cheated of love and affection the other 364 days of the year, so I don’t have particular affinity for dressing this day up.
•    I like to celebrate Valentine’s Day because it’s another chance to show people you love them.
•    I have fond memories of my dad showing his love for his wife and daughters with Valentine gifts, so I do the same for my husband and sons.
•    Yes, I grew up with my parents buying little gifts or cards for each other, and I try to do the same. I usually buy for my husband and our kids, my mom, and our school staff. It’s just a nice day to show love!
•    I do. Valentine’s Day to me is to honor those you love not just your sweetheart; so, I give gifts to my husband, my two children and their spouses, my granddaughter and my parents.
•    I do! For me, it’s a time to celebrate/show the love that we have for each other.  A simple letter/card means more to me than any gift.

Gifts vary, but cards, flowers, and chocolates seem very popular. One Internet site ( provided ten Valentine gift ideas: roses, chocolates, a CD of romantic songs, airline tickets to a desired location, jewelry, a day together, a framed photo of you together, perfume or cologne, a mobile phone or an electronic gadget. This year, I filled three small gift bags – one for each daughters’ family – with a variety of items, including a little chocolate.

As Charles Schulz said, “All you need is love. But, a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt” ( I have to agree with Mr. Schulz. And, whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, I hope your February 14 turns out to be a very good day.


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