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OWL Academy Santa Letters

Mrs. Brandie's Class at the OWL Academy have shared their letters to Santa with Beech Tree News. We thought Santa's helpers may want a sneak peak.

Dear Santa, 

I’ve been good this year. I want a new baby doll, CocoMelon stuff, and Peppa Pig stuff.

Love, Kalie Henderson


Dear Santa,

I would like a toy dump truck, 2 toy trains and new toy tools for Christmas.  Thank you!

Love, Grant Davis Hughs


Dear Santa, 

I have been good this year!  I hope I make it on the nice list.  Things I want or would like for Christmas is Elsa doll, Movies, Shoes, and Barbie Dream House

Love, Hazel McCombs


Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good boy this year.  I want a bull and toys for Christmas.

Love, Titus Lee


Dear Santa, 

For Christmas, I want a Barbie doll house, Barbie pool for my Barbie dogs, and more Bluey toys.  I hope I hear the jingle bells on the reindeer on Christmas Eve.

Love, Lola Cox

Dear Santa, 

Hey there! For Christmas this year, I would like a dinosaur robot with a red button that makes it “ROAR”, a toy excavator, and a toy bear, please. That is all I want. Thank you and Merry Christmas!    

Love, Cohen Phelps


Dear Santa, 

How are you and the reindeer doing at the North Pole? How do you drive the sleigh? For Christmas, I would like a lot of lego sets, a little tiny boy puppy dog and a Batman cup and shoes. Also, a Spiderman pillow and Emmet pillow and blanket. Goodbye!

Love, Bennet Givens


Dear Santa, 

Hello! My name is Grayson and I am 5 years old. I live in Morgantown, KY. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. #1 Farm Toys. #2 Nerf Guns. #3 My Baby Brother

I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer.

Love, Grayson Thompson


Dear Santa, 

I want the Hot Wheels Octo Car Wash please Santa.  He will know it's a hot wheels thing now.  I want a play-doh cake maker.  It makes cakes with an oven and we can have a party. What else do I want? Santa, I want the Lightning McQueen mountain race track set that I saw on TV. Oh I know.  I want the Mario Space Race, they can race in space on it. Is that your favorite Mario race?  I’ll tell you what race is my favorite, the Bowser castle one.  I want the Bowser castle race too.  There is a matchbox airport that is a new toy, I want that too. It has airplanes.  Also, why is there a lot of elves at your house?  O want the new paw patrol tower, it has a big hill. I want the new Marshall fire truck from the new paw patrol.  I also need all the other new paw patrol cars.  I want the SKye car, it can fly too.  Iwant the new Rocky car too, I don’t have it. I want the new Zuma car too, it’s paw patrol.  Maybe I want the playmobil police car one and police station to go with my helicopter and truck. 

Love, Ben Runion


Dear Santa,

I can’t wait for you to come see me!  Please bring me Blaze and Vampirina toys. I will leave you some cookies.

Love, Lewis Vincent


Dear Santa, 

Merry Christmas!  I would like paw patrol toys, a Chase (from Paw Patrol) that blows bubbles. A playground with swings and slides and blocks for my sissy. 

Thank you, August Phelps


Dear Santa, 

Hope you are well?  I have been a good boy. I would like some spider man toys. Some Play doh and hot wheels monster trucks, also. I would also like a trampoline. 

Sincerely, Dalton Evans (age 3)


Dear Santa, 

Please bring me a remote control Monster truck.  I have been a good boy.  Tell the reindeer I said Hi!  I love you Santa!

Thank you, Clyde Larson Filback


Dear Santa, 

How are you? I would like worker toys for Christmas.  I would also like two worker guy rollers.

Thank you, Harris Ross


Dear Santa, 

For Christmas I would love to have horses, Hocus Pocus, chocolate, SNOW, stickers and to go to the beach.

Love, Cailyx Jackson


Dear Santa, 

Can you get me a dirtbike? I also want a Nintendo switch.  I love you Santa Claus. Can I have a Batbot? That’s all I want. 

Love, Asher Wade Spiderman


Dear Santa, 

I would please like a kitty for Christmas. I also want a fan, another fish, and a unicorn toy. 

Love, Riley Grace Barks


Dear Santa, 

For Christmas I want a puppy.

Love, Talon Hutcheson

Dear Santa, 

I would like a play kitchen, Minnie mouse skateboard, and a realistic baby doll. 

Love, Amelia Pharris


Dear Santa, 

Me want dinosaur and Hot Wheels.  Me want Cocomelon J.J., Bluey camper and new shoes. 

How is Mrs. Claus?  I been good.                                            

Love, Clay Stokes


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