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Morgantown Elementary PTO hosts annual Fall Festival fundraiser

A festive atmosphere enveloped Morgantown Elementary (MES) on Friday, November 16, as the school hosted its annual fall festival.  The event, which also serves as a fundraiser, is coordinated by MES staff and members of the school's Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO).  

Festivities actually got underway during the school day, paused briefly for school dismissal, and then started back at 5 p.m.

Various games and activities were held in the gym, a chili supper took place in the cafeteria, and several craft vendors also took part.  The Shrine clowns and their balloon-making skills were one of the favorites, as well as the "cow milking" activity.   

A silent auction was held at 7 p.m. featuring themed baskets compiled by staff and students.  

Amy Hood Hooten, a PTO officer and member of the Butler County Board of Education, issued the following statement expressing her gratitude for all those who helped make the festival a huge success.   

"The PTO and the fall festival committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the faculty/staff, the families of MES students, and the community for coming together to support the 2012 Fall Festival held on Friday Nov. 16. With the assistance and support of the 15 vendors who set up booths, North Butler PTO for games and game supplies, the family/parent volunteers who ran the games during the day, the donations from families of drinks and snack cakes for games and prizes, along with donations for the auction, as well as the time put in by faculty/staff to run the games at night and serve at the chili supper, the event was a huge success and many families enjoyed a night of Family Fun!  The auction was prosperous!  Many thanks again to families, individuals, and businesses that donated items to make the classroom baskets, and a special thank you to Bruce White for volunteering his time as auctioneer! The festival committee also sends a HUGE thank you to all of the winners of auction items!  We want to thank the businesses who made specific monetary donations for the fall festival start-up and the companies that assisted with the chili supper!   Hocker Insurance, Morgantown Bank & Trust, Green River Feed Mill, RC Cola,  Embry Elmore Vending, Dairy Queen, Wendy’s, and Hood’s Market .  A special thanks to Ms. Nanette Vincent and Ms. Linda Nash for their assistance with the chili supper. The money raised by the PTO will be used to support all of the students of Morgantown Elementary in ways that will enhance their learning and growth! We appreciate all of those who support the children of Morgantown Elementary."



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