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MORGANTOWN CITY COUNCIL: Staffing changes and a new ride for Santa

Morgantown City Council held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 13. All council members were present.

The most notable order of business on the agenda was to bid farewell to City Clerk Tristen Klein. A fixture in city hall for the last five years, Klein worked first as assistant city clerk and later as city clerk. Klein has accepted the position of city clerk for the city of Dayton, Kentucky. Dayton, with its close proximity to the Ohio state line, is considered a suburb of Cincinnati. With a population of a 5,673, the city is larger than Morgantown by well more than half. Mayor Billy Phelps described Klein as “more than a vital part” of the many accomplishments and improvements in the city of Morgantown during her tenure. 

Tristen Klein 

Taking over the position of city clerk for Morgantown will be Allie Lee. Lee has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.  She is a Butler County native.

Assistant Clerk Hannah Gray is moving to a new position as project manager for the city, taking on all grant requests and special projects. 

Replacing Gray as assistant clerk is Kersie Sharp. Sharp has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and is the former Beaver Dam Assistant Clerk. Residing now with her family in Ohio County, Sharp was raised in Butler County. 

Kersie Sharp and Allie Lee

Aside from staffing, several city departments gave reports.

From Planning and Zoning (P&Z), Danny Cardwell reported that P&Z is working to update ordinances related to pools and fences.

From the Utilities Board, Mark Alford reported that improvements are still being made to the waste-water system.

From Housing, Jackie Lloyd shared that shower faucets are being replaced in all housing units as well as all fixtures being converted to LED. Lloyd indicated that the energy savings from the switch will pay for the project within four months.

The Tourism Board agreed to allot a donation to the Green River Catfish Festival.

For the MOGO Van this month, there were 1,126 riders.

Bob McKee of Code Enforcement indicated that they opened seven new cases and closed four. He also shared that he was able to use the city-county cleanup days to promote cleanup of some areas that were in violation.

According to Fire Chief Brian Hope, the Morgantown Fire Department responded to 14 calls in the month and completed six hours and training.

Harold Deweese, representing Public Works, reported that they are almost finished with blacktop in the park, sealing the tennis courts and other park-related projects.

Police Chief Giles Taylor indicated that he and his officers had seen an uptick in calls, which is typical for the warmer months.

City Clerk Klein, in her final report, shared that she and her staff have been busy planning for the city park grand opening, as well as working with various agencies to complete requirements to receive numerous grants. 

Lastly, but certainly not least, Mayor Billy Phelps shared that Brenda Thompson donated a mint-condition sleigh, in honor of her late husband Jimmy, for Santa to ride on in the Morgantown Christmas Parade. In years past, Santa has left his sleigh at the North Pole for the elves to continue to prep it for his Christmas Eve journey, riding instead on a Morgantown Fire Department Truck. Thanks to this generous donation, Santa will be riding in style as he greets the children of Morgantown and Butler County. 


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