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Morgantown-Butler County Swim Team 2-0

On June 27th the Morgantown-Butler County Swim Team traveled to Glasgow where they faced off against the Barren County Y Killer Whales and the Scottsville YMCA Seadragons. The meet started at 5:45 PM and went until about 9:45 PM. By the end of the meet MBCST – Barracudas had won. The final scores were Scottsville 319, Barren County Y 414, and MBCST 524.  This is the second overall win for MBCST of the 2013 season. Thus far MBCST has defeated six teams in two matches.

MBCST is having a great season and hopes that it will continue all the way through the championship meet being held at the Morgantown City Pool on July 27th.


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