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Morgantown-Butler Co. Swim Team Host First Meet

Morgantown-Butler County Swim Team

On June 13 the Morgantown Butler County Swim Team hosted the first meet of the season of the South Western Swim Team Association.  The meet was a relay meet that 4 teams of the SWSTA attended: MBCST; Glasgow YMCA; Scottsville Seadragons; and Portland Swim Team. This meet is a fun meet for the teams to take part in and get the season started.

Noah Phelps

MBCST took an early lead at the meet and was able to maintain the lead throughout the entire meet.  The final scores where Glasgow YMCA with 61 points; Scottsville Seadragons with 79 points; Portland Swim Team got 89 points; and MBCST had 181 points.
Mackenzie Coleman
MBCST will be hosting the championship meet of the South Western Swim Team Association this year on July 27th at the Morgantown City Pool.  There will be a total of 5 teams will be attending this meet. This will be the first time that the Morgantown-Butler County Swim Team has ever hosted the championship meet and are very excited about the opportunity.

Jordan Green

Gabby Renfrow

Dawson Deel diving Conner Glass at the wall.


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