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M.E.S. hosts 4th Annual Kentucky Folk Life Festival

On October 14 and 15th, several Morgantown Elementary students experienced Kentucky history through a living history presentation at the 4th Annual Kentucky Folk Life Festival.  Students were able to personally view items from their history, listen to presentations, ask questions, and many times actually touch items from their past, therefore, enriching their future.

Features at the festival included: Bluegrass music, quilting, Native Americans in Kentucky, pioneer clothing and sewing, folk art, pioneer games, historical toys, pioneer cooking and housekeeping, and much more.

Presenters included: Linda Martin, Amy McKinney, Barbara Gabbard, the Andrew Sisters, Lesha White, Jana Rose, Elizabeth Kimmel, Diana Flener, Roger Givens, and others.

The 2015 Kentucky Folk Life Festival was presented by the Green River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.


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